Well folks I went to the courts today around all the fake badges and self righteous men of the law only for them to tell me that I have the potential of being in jail for four months coming up here in the next month.
So if I am gone for four to five months you will know that I am singing somewhere in a iron barred cell. ( Giving the guards hell for their money.)
I can’t really tell you if I will be around after I get out or not because I just don’t know. ( I am not sure if there is going to be anything for me to come back to.)
Put it this way I take all of this as a sign that the world no longers sees me as necessary in seeing myself as a obsolete disregarded object of a human being and I promised myself that at the moment of the last straw after I have exhausted all my options that I am going to start doing things my way for now on by any means necessary until the day I die.
( Or until the day I am viciously hunted down and murdered.)
( If I can’t exist in cooperation with society consider myself the new deviant on the neighborhood block that will survive by destruction.)
( I tried playing the rules of society only to become the condemned and like all condemned men when they are heaped outside of society like drowning heretics they come to throw all the rules out where they construct their own how they see fit and that is exactly what I plan to do.)
I am probally going to do the wilderness thing after jail where I plan to make my own little dark kingdom on this earth where the laws of survival are written by myself only with everyone else being eternally damned.
( For now I’ll keep in contact with the website for another month until I become incarcerated should the state lock me up which I know they will do hailing it as a great “justice” to society.)
It really is funny since all of this came out of me defending myself in public against four punks that attacked me but I expect this much from a decaying structure known as civilization filled with self righteous and self absorbed hypocrites.
( In the years to come look for me on America’s most wanted but I seriously doubt there will be any people around to report me of anything since when I plan to disappear I’ll become a ghost in the wind becoming somthing that stories are made of.)
For all the homeland security officials, F.B.I. agents, CIA analysts and all you other yahoos with fake badges that is looking at my previous post consider it a wild metaphor of a condemned man.
If you want to prosecute me I’ll just declare insanity and be rid of all you agent scum.
Have A Nice Day Government Officials!
( P.S. Don’t spill your coffee or other caffeinated products that you yourselves are drinking by the computer screens that presently you are looking into.)
Except everything you just said means that whatever you’re about to do was premeditated, which means that you can’t plead insanity. Especially damning was the part where you said you’d plead insanity.
Seriously man, think these things through. Geezus.
The point is that I have already done time for this bogus charge.
It will probally cost my job and everything that I have managed to scrape together just to subsist. It may not look like much to those above but from those who are below they know the score.
Here’s what will happen. You’ll do something bad. They’ll give you an extreme charge. You’ll plead insanity to lessen the punishment. They’ll find that post and say that it was pre-meditated and BANG, you’re in the slammer for 20 years.
Seriously, because you didn’t define the crime in that post, you’ve basically prevented yourself from ever successfully using a plea of insanity again, meaning an extra, I dunno, %20 in the harshness of your sentences for the rest of your life.
I don’t see how you can plead self-defense to those.
Also, you said you we’re going to do something in the future, which is why I said that saying that you were going to do it meant you wouldn’t be able to do it.
It seems like the last two members to go to jail around here wanted to go. I once knew a man who had issues with his father and treated cops like they were his dad. Challenging the cops was like challenging his dad. Once he told me that I became disinterested in speaking to him.
Anyhow I’m hiring a trial lawyer who has expressed to me his esteemed opinion that the city court has sentenced me with bogus charges where he has told me himself that all of this will be taken to trial with confidence in handling my public defense.
( Winks at Pardicat and Zeus for their parading of bullshit in this thread.)
Defense lawyers only do two things. They lie, and they charge you money. Sometimes they do both at the same time. Sometimes they lie to you, sometimes they lie for you, sometimes they do both.