Joker's Play Pen Of Wisdom, Learned Experiences, And Ranting

When you have radical or extremist viewpoints that a majority of women won’t tolerate, put up with, or listen to just hide your beliefs and become a hidden closet extremist. Don’t bother telling them your real beliefs, they’ll never listen and understand, they’re mentally brainwashed beyond repair. Last week I screwed around with a younger communist hot bimbo and she was none the wiser, little did she know that she was sleeping with an actual fascist. Was it worth it? Yes, it most definitely was. A sort of satisfaction I must say. Tell them whatever retarded thing they want to hear, makes the panties come off quicker.

When these neo-liberal or communist young women ask what your beliefs are just play dumb and neutral. They’re too uneducated to be all the wiser anyways, it’s like shooting ducks in a barrel really. It’s pretty hilarious actually, they’re all talking about being anti fascist while they’re sleeping around with an actual hidden fascist, good times.

The look on a woman’s face who has hopped on the cock carousel of a thousand or more guys within their lifetime.

For the very advanced radical neo-liberal or communist White woman she’s going to test your ideological wokeness before a hookup even happens, get yourself acquainted with neo-liberal, communist, and woke political philosophies to blend right in so that you pass her inevitable mental shit-test. If she talks about some retarded gibbering stupid subject like trans-rights just nod and play along in supporting her idiotic belief structure. By doing so while concealing your own real political philosophy you’ll blend right in perfectly.

Yeah but what if she’s really is trans, be careful to add a tip, cause I lost my gun that way, and was out of my breezy security job the next day.

did u get any pics

It’s like grade A beef, you can’t fake grade A vagina of a bunch of college sorority girls, I appreciate your concern though and it has been noted. It’s like the gold standard of vagina.

Not for you, no.

in alabama its the opposite i have to tell them that i think we need to cut welfare and make people work for a living and that taxes are socialism then they wanna bang

Thats nonesense. Girls dont respect guys that agree with them.

bruh u should always make sure to properly rotate your tires

Of course.


“I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end, it doesn’t even matter…”

Interesting, apparently the only thing that requires the destruction of Brexit negotiations by keeping England in the E.U. is a new mutated strain of Covid19. How a virus destroyed Brexit keeping England inside the E.U. ,tomorrow’s headlines…

What happens when two thirds of American nurses, doctors, and medical specialists refuses to get the Covid19 vaccine? I’m eager to find out…

I’m betting that won’t end well concerning confidence in the official public narrative.


[b]Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer: “Hey Jerome Powell, we’re going to need that economic stimulus right away as the American peasantry are starting to get fed up, something to do with 56 million being kicked out of their homes or apartments next month unable to afford rent, basic life, or something. Six hundred dollars each should do it for the peasants, right?”

Jerome Powell: “We can’t do shit right now, the Federal Reserve is going bankrupted!”

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer: “What do you mean the money is all fucking gone? Get to the printers Mr. Chairman!”

Jerome Powell: “Don’t worry, I got this!” (((Moments later…))))

Jerome Powell: “Hi, yes, is Donald Trump there?”

Donald Trump: “This is Trump speaking…”

Jerome Powell: “Yeah, the motherfucking Federal Reserve is broke, we need you to stall the stimulus talks in your last two weeks of office.”

Donald Trump: “How the fuck am I suppose do that?”

Jerome Powell: “It’s quite easy, veto the stimulus bill and do something outrageous that nobody will agree to like saying you won’t sign anything until Congress approves two thousand dollars for every American. Just make sure you shut down that shit, okay?”

Donald Trump: “I got this, hold my beer.” [/b]


[b][Verse 1]
On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
900 billion dollars of economic stimulus money.

[Verse 2]
On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Three billion dollars for Israel and
900 billion dollars of economic stimulus money.

[Verse 3]
On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Billions of dollars to Ukraine for an insurrection against Russia, three billion dollars to Israel, and
900 billion dollars of economic stimulus money.

[Verse 4]
On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Millions of dollars for gay, lesbian, and tranny museums, billions of dollars to Ukraine for an insurrection against Russia, three billion dollars to Israel, and 900 billion dollars of economic stimulus money.

[Verse 5]
On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Millions to South Sudan, Millions of dollars for gay, lesbian, and tranny museums, billions of dollars to Ukraine for an insurrection against Russia, three billion dollars to Israel, and 900 billion dollars of economic stimulus money.

[Verse 6]
On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Billions of dollars for a staged political coup in Thailand, Millions to South Sudan, Millions of dollars for gay, lesbian, and tranny museums, billions of dollars to Ukraine for an insurrection against Russia, three billion dollars to Israel, and 900 billion dollars of economic stimulus money.

[Verse 7]
On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Billions of dollars for contact and tracing Covid19 mandatory vaccines, Billions of dollars for a staged political coup in Thailand, Millions to South Sudan, Millions of dollars for gay, lesbian, and tranny museums, billions of dollars to Ukraine for an insurrection against Russia, three billion dollars to Israel, and 900 billion dollars of economic stimulus money.

[Verse 8]
On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Billions of dollars to the military industrial complex, Billions of dollars for contact and tracing Covid19 mandatory vaccines, Billions of dollars for a staged political coup in Thailand, Millions to South Sudan, Millions of dollars for gay, lesbian, and tranny museums, billions of dollars to Ukraine for an insurrection against Russia, three billion dollars to Israel, and 900 billion dollars of economic stimulus money.

[Verse 9]
On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood, Billions of dollars to the military industrial complex, Billions of dollars for contact and tracing Covid19 mandatory vaccines, Billions of dollars for a staged political coup in Thailand, Millions to South Sudan, Millions of dollars for gay, lesbian, and tranny museums, billions of dollars to Ukraine for an insurrection against Russia, three billion dollars to Israel, and 900 billion dollars of economic stimulus money.

[Verse 10]
On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Billions of dollars for food stamps, Millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood, Billions of dollars to the military industrial complex, Billions of dollars for contact and tracing Covid19 mandatory vaccines, Billions of dollars for a staged political coup in Thailand, Millions to South Sudan, Millions of dollars for gay, lesbian, and tranny museums, billions of dollars to Ukraine for an insurrection against Russia, three billion dollars to Israel, and 900 billion dollars of economic stimulus money.

[Verse 11]
On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Billions of dollars for corporate and banking exemptions, Billions of dollars for food stamps, Millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood, Billions of dollars to the military industrial complex, Billions of dollars for contact and tracing Covid19 mandatory vaccines, Billions of dollars for a staged political coup in Thailand, Millions to South Sudan, Millions of dollars for gay, lesbian, and tranny museums, billions of dollars to Ukraine for an insurrection against Russia, three billion dollars to Israel, and 900 billion dollars of economic stimulus money.

[Verse 12]
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
$600.00 for the American peasantry, Billions of dollars for corporate and banking exemptions, Billions of dollars for food stamps, Millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood, Billions of dollars to the military industrial complex, Billions of dollars for contact and tracing Covid19 mandatory vaccines, Billions of dollars for a staged political coup in Thailand, Millions to South Sudan, Millions of dollars for gay, lesbian, and tranny museums, billions of dollars to Ukraine for an insurrection against Russia, three billion dollars to Israel, and 900 billion dollars of economic stimulus money.[/b]


Governments around the world: “We won’t mandate the Covid19 vaccine for everybody, that will be up to employers and private markets what they decide to enforce concerning vaccinations or how they decide to conduct business.”


[b]“Yes, you can’t eat or shop here without your Covid19 vaccination certification.”

“I’m sorry, but you can’t work or be employed here without your Covid19 certification.”

“You can’t board this plane, train, or travel without your Covid19 certification.”

“You’re not allowed on these premises without your Covid19 certification.”

“I’m sorry, but you’re not allowed to attend school here without your Covid19 certification.”

“You can’t rent an apartment or room here without your Covid19 certification.”

“This hospital or medical facility is only for those with Covid19 vaccine certifications.”

“I’m sorry, but we’re a Covid19 certification neighborhood or community, you’re simply not allowed here. This is a private community.”

“You’re not allowed in this Federal government area without proof of your Covid19 vaccine certification.”

“I’m sorry, but your business is going on a public blacklist for being Covid19 unfriendly in that you refuse to vaccinate your employees, our business can’t do business with yours because of such at this time.”

"I’m sorry but you can’t serve within our hospital or medical staff without the Covid19 certification, you’re terminated. It’s a matter of public health safety. "

“We’re going to have to shut down this nursing home until all residents receive their Covid19 certification.”

“You can’t serve in the military or local law enforcement without your Covid19 certification.”

“Your children can’t attend public schools without their Covid19 certification, your infant born at the hospital isn’t allowed to leave without their Covid19 certification, and frankly if you fight against us we’re at a state level going to have to declare you as a parent recklessly endangering your own children. Child Protective Services is watching you and your children will become wards of the state here on out until you comply.”

“I’m sorry, but can’t find refuge or shelter at our homeless facilities putting our staff at risk without your Covid19 certification.”

“You’re a financial ward of the state receiving public welfare or assistance? Funds will discontinue until you receive your Covid19 certification.”

“We cannot sell, trade, exchange, or barter with you without your Covid19 certification.”

Hmm, I believe I’ve covered all the bases here. :sunglasses: [/b]

Haven’t you heard, Covid19 has killed the common flu! So much so, seven months ago the CDC stopped keeping track of common flu numbers because all sicknesses this year are Covid19 related. :sunglasses: :laughing:

Now we all wait for the magical vaccine, it’s so very magical we’re not allowed to know publicly the actual ingredients in it. :sunglasses: :laughing: :-" Got institutional faith, loyalty, and trust? Well, do you? :sunglasses: :laughing: :sunglasses:

[b]Bitcoin, how the global economic reset will become digitized.

2009: “Bitcoin will become the first currency independent of the state, totally anonymous in usage, and impenetrable to digital electronic hacking.”

2012: “We’ve learned how to track terrorists digitally overseas utilizing currencies like Bitcoin where it isn’t anonymous as people think.”

2015: “Oops, the biggest corporate digital miner of Bitcoin has been electronically hacked, millions lost overnight.”

2017: “It’s possible to observe digital transactions of Bitcoin users.”

2018: “We need to here at the Federal Reserve create a digital electronic dollar like Bitcoin for the future.”

2020: “The United States needs to lead in Bitcoin currency transactions before China does.” [/b]

Empires don’t collapse dude…they fragment and gradually fade away…The US is transitioning form a Super Power to a regional power.
Nature hates vacuums, and no power vacuum ever endures.
As U.S. power declines another rises to take its place - the transition may be smooth or with bumps.
Rome split in two and still continued for centuries…and it still continues as Italy…

In retrospect or inspection as miserable as 2020 has been with the ongoing international propaganda of the “scamdemic” I would say 2020 has been good in only one regard as being the single biggest year of where female panties have dropped on the floor in front of me. So, at least I got that this year going for me. Three women in one year is a milestone for me, I guess it really is true that life improves as you get older being a man. Being a younger man sucks, but being an older man that is single or unmarried is great.

I still am seeking a long term relationship [eventually marriage] with just one woman but in a nation with a majority of sluts or whores that current goal seems to be untenable for now at least.