Just insanity and I

Have received no response in my previous thread, maybe I have been too abstract. I am going to put forward a similar proposition. If I am crazy, would you demand a logical answer from me for causing something? if I am crazy, wouldn’t I be beyond the constraints of reason. Nietzsche wants us to go beyond morality, I want us to go beyond reason.

You mean you want us to acknowledge your existence as the new Jesus? Sorry, FM already claimed that title…

Pinnacle of Reason: may I kindly remind you that insanity is a physical illness that’s characterised by a total mental malfunction which is caused by various actual infections. Judging from your behaviour - do feel relaxed - you are not insane. So, “Insanity and NOT I”… Christianity is in fact very reasonable - clever is what I’d call it - it canot be disproved easily. By going beyond reason, you no longer remain a Christian - which has evidently been accomplished by you here - my congragulations.

Speaking both as a crazy person, and a reader of the book A Beautiful Mind, there seems to still be reason even in a schitzophrenic (crazy enough for you?) person’s thoughts. They just seem to have a strange point of departure (although, that might said of many philosophers also). Their thoughts read like fantasy fiction; there are just some strange inferences in them. Doesn’t necessarly mean they can’t do math; they just use it to prove crazy-sounding theses.

If it were normal or perhaps useful for man to think this way, it would not be considered an illness. I don’t see the good in your extra-rational project. Unless you mean to embrace the intuition – which may not be crazy, but might be Nietzschean.


so did Nietzsche…


why don’t we demand a reasonable explanation from an insane person but we do from a sane one?

Because “we” don’t take insane people seriously therefore give making any explanation they give of no concequence.


why ““we” don’t take insane people seriously”?

Because they’re irrational.

ok :slight_smile: let’s be somber for a minute

I would like to be audacious and put forward a proposition in favour of insanity.

All thoughts, all ideas, all rules, all morality as based on the presumption of sanity. Everything applies to the sane. If I go insane, wouldn’t all everything become irrelevant. Wouldn’t I not only be beyond good and evil but also beyond reason itself?

yes, and that’s the thing… sanity is society’s measure of how likely you are to obey the norms and laws that society puts forth…

sane- you do what is expected…

insane- you cannot be trusted to act as society wishes therefore you must be instutionalized or medicated…


Well PoR…what if society itself developed a system in that DID transcend your “morality?” A society that did in fact go beyond good and evil. Would that not make the norms of society today be considered blasphemous and in a sense, “insane?”

I do…and I’m sure many on this board think so as well. The world today is psychotic. Seriously, where is your “morality” to step in when a world leader makes a decision that defies the ethics of your “morality?”

About which thread you are talking?

Nietzsche would like us to overcome morality, but he failed to do so, because he created a new form of morality. You want us to overcome reason, but you want to do that using reason. You and Nietzsche have some similarities.

Beyond reason we try to go every single moment of our lives. Reason makes our lives very boring and tedious, so we create dreams, illusions, myths, beliefs, in order to forget reason, but when we do that we are still attached to reason (or we couldn’t create anything), or so it is supposed to be. Give up Christianity. Become a nihilist.

morality is neccesary, because we humans are emotional animals.

I think this is the ultimate excuse, “I am crazy”. Because to claim you are crazy, you are going beyond sanity, and therefore every rational judgement does not apply to you. It is actually quite obvious, many people in legal trials plead insanity in defence. Why can’t we plead insanity in all situation and mitigate all responsibility?

look into this thread

ilovephilosophy.com/phpbb/vi … p?t=144470

Crusader of Faith i.e. Pinnacle of Reason, personally I’m failing to see the relation.