Hehehe, topics get recycled around here, good revision
Morals are based on principles that ensure some sort of benefit for perhaps the majority of humankind.
When I think of justifying my beliefs, I think the average person would say, “I would use a reason that’s good enough for me”. If it’s not good enough for other people, then if the moral decision doesn’t affect them directly in any way, I don’t see why you should HAVE to answer.
Because if you HAVE to, that implies some sort of relationship between the two debaters, and that some sort of cooperative agreement is trying to be reached. In other words, I understand you, you understand me, and we’re all good, right?
Because to try to convince someone else to switch to your beliefs, is not a matter of making a logical connection, it’s a matter of making an emotional connection.
Look at how motivational speakers work. They use emotional imagery rather than words. That’s why you ‘feel’ motivated rather than ‘think’ motivated.
In relation to a moral belief, you hold this because it makes you feel something, serves some purpose in this way.
In Relation to Slave Owner
The benefits one has in owning slaves in a slave-based society far outweigh those of not owning them. They do work, make dinner, farm, etc all for the low price of almost nothing.
Perhaps it’s some sort of desire for the slave owner to fit in, and use the majority as an excuse for doing things that could be deemed immoral.
However, it’s not just a moral problem, it could be deemed a cultural problem in that sense. Because everyone does it, how can it be deemed to be immoral? If morals are in a sense a shared set of assumptions and beliefs, then anyone who suggests otherwise doesn’t belong in the world that they are in and so, their opinion is deemed ‘uninformed’ or not taken seriously, because they are an outsider and don’t know as well as they do.
I’m kind of on the track that ANY action can be justified by logical connections, and fulfil emotional purposes.
In this case, to justify your beliefs you need some sort of authoritative document or figure to do this for you. Becomes a value-based game at its simplest. For example, the human rights movement. Now that we have HR, moral codes have filtered down into society the point that ‘FREE SPEECH’ is a right given by authority of a document. (downside is, people think they can say anything anywhere and not be held accountible to anything other than that document that says so, in a sense, it becoming something powerful). Slavery was also abolished by some sort of authority.
The majority listen to authority. (hey that rhymes…LoL)
Therefore to persuade people that slavery is wrong, justification through authority is a good idea.
In my opinion.
You could argue it I know. But then I’ll say ‘reason is your authority’.