Canada is introducing a law that makes parents responsible for juvenile infractions.
One can say that the buck stops with the parents.
But the State also bears responsibility.
The problem here is that most parents are themselves the product of a dysfunctional upbringing by parents who were also the product of a dysfunctional upbringing…
The problem goes all the way back to the start of the industrial revolution, when people came off the farms and congregated in cities.
That move broke up the family unit.
The parents ended up on the mass production lines
The kids were stuffed into crowded classrooms and indoctrinated to chase after the buck.
Family values went out the window
So now we are left with Catch 22.
Parents don’t know how to parent.
I was one of them and have a dysfunctional 1st son to prove it.
I broke the cycle 2nd time round.
I said to hell with the system, retired to the desert on a tiny income and devised my own home-school curriculum. One that put family values and personal ethics first and let academics look after itself.
It has worked perfectly.
I have eight kids.
All 1st class self-tutored A grade scholars
Their personal integrity is 100%
Not one black sheep
I have never had a sleepless night.
Solution for the state.
Reestablish the family unit
Support both parents in the home
Let them educate and produce model citizens
The industrial revolution is over
Machines can man the production lines
Developing nations need production lines
that our out-sourcing brings them
That solves the unemployment problem
Gives graduates a secure spot on the work place
and helps foreign relations
It also puts and end to office romances and adultery
Brings down the divorce rate
Its win/win/win
Especially for the kids
The source of national power
is sound family values
The source of national wealth
is creative graduates
The waste of national power
is endless policing
Teach the kids ethics
THAT is the source of creative intelligence
That is the REAL value of the GNP.