kant appearance from illusion

ok heres the deal I’m just about to get started on a short essay 1500-2000 words. Here is the topic

How does Kant distinguish appearance from illusion? If the world of experience (or appearances) is constituted by the cognizer, then why isn’t this world mere illusion? Why is he not opening the doors to skepticism?

Anyone have any suggestions on the best way to approach this or what aspects I should definatly address? How does this not open the door to skepticim? I don’t fully understand that aspect.

Thanks in advance

he thinks the thing in itself is real but you can’t know anything about it.


See my signature.

I think I would rather this topic. what is he really asking here to you guys? Is this like how kant thinks he has solved all metaphysical problems in the critique?HOw intellect functions in dealing with reality, and how that leads to how reason functions?Is this his alternative hypothesis? thanks

What is Kant's notion of metaphysics? What kind of metaphysics does he think is still possible after his critique? Is he doing that kind of metaphysics in the Critique, or merely laying the basis for it?

kant thought metaphysics were impossible to know as well…

in this regard he agreed with he who woke him…


Kant thinks we can do metaphysics, but in the Critique he is mainly laying the basis for it I think, though of course there are bits of metaphysics in there. The details are a bit hazy to me.

Kant’s notion of metaphysics is, basically, that we can not, on metaphysical grounds, know whether any of the typical objects exist or not (God, the immortal soul, freedom etc) but we can show their possibility e.g we can know that it is possible that freedom exists, as in its not contradictory. He shows this through the antimonies. So Kant does not want to destroy metaphysics but he wants to limit its claims to knowledge because we can have no knowledge (through pure reason, thats important, because practical reason can give us knowledge) of things in themselves (noumena). Because we can know appearances we can have natural science on a secure basis, as the principle of causality is synthetic a priori we can avoid Hume’s problems.

Basically, Kant wants to keep metaphysics because he thinks our minds have got a natural propensity to think about God, freedom etc but he wants to limit its role and show that it can’t make any knowledge claims about things in themselves.