Kirchhoff & Planck = Michell & Hawking.
The question is:
Hawking radiation theorizes that black holes do not, in fact,
absorb all radiation absolutely; they give off some return radiation.
How does this radiation escape?
G. Kirchhoff in 1859 thought up - an absolutely black body.
( Kircchoff 's vacuum radiation / Max Laue/ ).
Absolutely black body is imagined body absorbing all
falling radiation on it. Quantum of light which will get this area
practically will not radiate back.
The concept of a black hole, so massive, that even quantum of light can not
to escape from it, was put forward by John Michell in 1783.
It is visible that the Kirchhoff 's model (absolutely black body) and
the Michell’s model (black hole) are identical.
Quantum of light which got into area of
“absolutely black body †and practically
did not radiate back.
But it is known, that such condition means" thermal death ".
And in Nature it is not observed.
Therefore Max Planck, studying this area, came to a conclusion:
Such condition can change when radiation of quantum of light
having own internal impulse h=Et will take place.
In 1974 S. Hawking came up with theoretical arguments
showing that black holes are not really entirely black:
they can emit radiation.
Now all of us will wait for " new Max Planck ",
who will prove, that
" famous Hawking’s radiation " / A. Sakharov / consists of
quantums of light, which are describe with the formula h=Et.
We have again invented a wheel,
we have again discovered America.
It is interesting for me to know, where the man keeps his brain,
if he does not see, that " absolutely black body " and
" black hole " are identical models?