
Matthew 24:10-13 “And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”

Do you want to know why we as a society need God? An energy drink is made to optimize your brain and chemistry, toward quick thinking and quick actions. Yet, in every strength there is a weakness. This flat out biasness that evolves will eventually break the man.

I practice running with weights up a hill. Of course I need many terrains, to have well-rounded mussels. That way, when I compete with the weights off, my endurance goes up,… but not necessarily my speed.

When I bike, I put the pedals at my toes, then at my heals. That way I single out different mussels to wear them when my middle foot possession is worn.

So,… why can’t we do this without God? (and because I have to spell this out, it shows even more how we need God.) We could happily evolve on any tangent. The tower of babble was the first time God enacted on this for our own good. Even though society was in one accord with God.

People can take on offense toward a subject. In this emotion drives logic. When they hear a subject, they already have a predetermined outcome needed to protect identity. Weather that identity needs to evolve by redefining cause and effect, or… maybe cause and effect just needs to be loosened in definition till we see where overlapping “cause and effects” blur the lines. But when they hear a subject, they collect and try on ideas that fit their offence, and write off and ignore the ones that contradict their conclusions. This is the extreme end of this array.

You perfect what you focus on. You become like what you respect. If you respect your friend’s reward for stealing,… you will become like such. What you focus on is the significance you see in what is fresh in your brain. To read a verse every morning, would allow you to keen in on why it applies to you. In this, you grow on the foundation of what you plant. The spiritual respect to the words you hear. You learn to teach others with love, and thus you grow accordingly.

To change your habits is to learn to respect other habits more then your own. Why? Because of the long term effects more then the short-term effects. It isn’t saying sorry. It’s that admitting you’re wrong allows you to grow in the area you were wrong in. In this, it becomes… “less faith in yourself, and more faith in God.” It can start, “I was right, but I could be righter if I took what into consideration.”

Our entire line of history has always seeded the death of man. It is selfish, and makes unrealistic demands. It gives up on the community when second best is looking out for self now. In this, bad learned behaviors have been passed down by viewing, and by DNA soul ties. And new ones are learned by developing new soul ties. It works for dad, so it must be good for you. Since when does dad set the bar? Well, since the bar was raising a good son was because of his likeness!? Or, how your success is inherited by your son. But dad may know how to get a wife, but he doesn’t know what a wife is for. So, his strength hides his weakness. In this his weakness of growing with a wife must be hidden to keep up the façade. But hiding the truth from yourself is lying to yourself.

Soul ties to your parent’s mistakes,… bad learned behavior that we feed. We inherently accept weakness. Thus those who believe that we are nothing but animals are wrong. We need to try to be better people. Our souls require certain stimulation to grow and sustain who we are. Jesus is the metaphysical gap between Heaven and earth. Hence the power of the blood of Jesus. To ignore this, is to spiritually die. To turn to God is to have an example of the perfect love and understanding. It is true inspiration that can only be found in a relationship with Jesus.

It can only be done with Christ.

Oh, stuff it.

PSG, I can appreciate you trying to get a message across. The time stamps on your posts suggest you are copying and pasting. If I may suggest trying to be more concise along with your presentations being a bit more thought provoking. You may not get get many positive responses or interest at this rate. I’m not trying to discourage your thoughts or be a critic of your subject. Just try to give people a little more to work with.

This is religious proseltyzing, plain and simple. No different than a dude standing on a street corner with a sign saying “The End is Near!” and preaching to passers-by. I’ve yet to see this poster write anything other than along these lines although, admittedly, I don’t read his stuff if I can avoid it. My point is that, IMO, the content should not be sugar-coated to convey that it’s otherwise and or that it’s in any way appropriate for a philosophy web forum.

Ingenium, I understand some people don’t like what PSG is doing. Some people could view this as philosophically acceptable and others like you see it as proseltyzing. Seeing that he is being civil in his posting without being particularly obstinate, I can’t see this as an offense to this board. This is my opinion, other mods may have their own. Being this is not my site, I can’t do other than try to adhere to the rules of this forum. If another mod sees something I don’t, I will certainly acquiesce to that thinking. Please contact Imp to ask his opinion about this. My hands are somewhat tied in this matter. If this is offensive to you it might be better to just ignore his posts. I am only telling you this as another poster…not a moderator.

Life is simple.
People are hard.
The subject is philosophically sound.
The subject content is freely open to what I believe and understand.
The subject even contradicts many philosophies with measurable logic.

Yet, either you agree, or you don’t agree. It’s more of an eye opening matter. Not really a debate.

Do you believe that it’s possiable for anything to be considered good?

Truth by decree never is. Your megalomanical authority to administer the truth to us is whats eye opening.

The truth cannot be expressed in an ideology.

I’m curious…PGS is trying to get a point across, but his avenues of expressing those thoughts are being limited.

Lets say you advocate his position (and I know you don’t), how would go about getting his message across that would satisfy the general population without offending their sensibilities?

How can [truth?] be examined if it isn’t placed out where it can be viewed? Your observation of his supposed meglomania is based under what viable authority? Plus if truth can’t fit into a vein of ideological thinking, how can one hope to aspire to anything?

The truth cannot be expressed in an ideology, for truth is the sared life that overlights the conflict of opposed ideologies.
The truth cannot be known by the process of intelectual analisys, critique, or communicative rationality; nor can they be socially administered by a philosophical or religious elite. Since knowing is a form of false consciousness. Elites are institutional reifications of this false consciousness that break up the compassionate feeling of our common life in the world.
The world is not an ideology nor a scientific institution nor is it a system of ideologies; rather it is a structure of unconscious relations and symbiotic processes. Every intellectual searches for a new ideology, hoping to become another Marx for a better Lenin; But ideology is to the mind what excrement is to the body; the exhausted remains of once living ideas.
The more universal and fundamental a statement or act the more truthful it is for all.

So spyderjoe, you are pitting your opinion against PSG’s opinion?

Thats the truth.

That’s good enough for me. :smiley: