On another forum a fellow posted about ‘Kohlberg’s biased scale’ as part of a lager post. Before I could discuss this with him I was banned from that forum. Was Kohlberg’s scale biased when it comes to gender or something else? Can anyone shed any light on this subject of bias.
I have included a snip from his post below to show a little of the context
“Carol Gilligan argued in response to Kohlberg’s biased scale of moral reasoning, men think in terms of the impartial application of abstract rules whereas women think in terms of caring for concrete individuals who have emotional relationships. To make philosophy rigorous, philosophers tend to argue about objective rules and principles, ones which are abstract and therefore publicly available rather than subjective and context-dependent. For this reason, women might not have felt at home in the Western philosophical tradition”.
Thank you.
V (Male)
For free access to my earlier posts on voluntary simplicity, compulsive spending, debting, compulsive overeating and clutter write: vfr44@aol.com. Any opinion expressed here is that of my own and is not the opinion, recommendation or belief of any group or organization.
* Stage one (obedience): Heinz should not steal the medicine, because he will consequently be put in prison.
* Stage two (self-interest): Heinz should steal the medicine, because he will be much happier if he saves his wife, even if he will have to serve a prison sentence.
* Stage three (conformity): Heinz should steal the medicine, because his wife expects it.
* Stage four (law-and-order): Heinz should not steal the medicine, because the law prohibits stealing.
* Stage five (human rights): Heinz should steal the medicine, because everyone has a right to live, regardless of the law. Or: Heinz should not steal the medicine, because the scientist has a right to fair compensation.
* Stage six (universal human ethics): Heinz should steal the medicine, because saving a human life is a more fundamental value than the property rights of another person. Or: Heinz should not steal the medicine, because that violates the golden rule of honesty and respect.
What evidence is there that women are not inclined to stage six.