Labor Costs Too Much

Labor Costs Too Much

This another thread the right wing constantly chants, another simple linearity, cause and effect that everyone buys into, like little babies, wow, it takes a lot of brain power to figure this one out, doesn’t it ? At what point will labor “Not Cost Too Much” ? That should be the right question, of course, no one in the world can possibly think such an incredibly complex and insane thought, it is way too far from the brain power of 10 billion people brainwashed by the ruling class to go against themselves. The answer is, it will never NOT “Cost Too Much” (just like labor will never NOT be innovative or competitive enough, educated enough and have the right skill set enough, and so on), labor costs too much “structurally”, labor is defined as always costing too much, (just like taxes are always too high). In southern China the factory workers were starting to land salaries of 150 to 200 dollars a month, all of a sudden, they were no longer “competitive enough”, “productive enough”, but most of all, labor started to “Cost Too Much”, so they closed those factories and opened them in Vietnam where labor is more reasonably priced at 100 dollars a month.

Wow, do those managers have really hard decisions to make, they really have to use all that college education to figure these things out. Also on taxes, everyone wants to cut taxes, but no one will tell you that behind taxes are other jobs, other people getting paid and making a living, no, who cares, other workers can always be hosed, it is always the workers and weak class that deserves to be hosed and costs too much. What total idiots everyone is, and all of this while the FED prints trillions and just hands it over to the super rich (given that no one on earth knows where all that money goes, since everything is being cut, workers fired, everything has become an entitlement, debts keep on going up, in other words, all of those trillions just disappear in a black hole, but in reality in the pockets of a few thousand super rich families, the ruling class).

But the ruling class, the economists, everyone who can is having a ball, it is all fun and games to watch all the poor and weaker classes fight each other over make believe “objective” and “scientific” “economic laws” (that are just like the laws of physics), never noticing that they are total, arbitrary inventions that are totally biased against the weaker class, that there are no necessities in the way things are set up, there there is no such thing as debts and entitlements and all, but that the ruling class just made up rules to hose the weak, brainwash them and they all play along and believe all of it!

No one sees the hidden intentionality behind it all, the simple power relationship, the simple robbing from the weak workers in all possible ways, and them not even noticing and the weak actually helping the rich rob them even more by everyone blaming everyone else that they cost too much and don’t deserve to be paid, etc.

That is why, the weaker classes worldwide should demand Free Salaries and Cheap Rents, the FED is printing trillions, where is that money going to ? No one knows, aside from all of the complex excuses and make believe mechanisms the banks and FED are so good at inventing, no one sees that money or gets any of it (aside the already super rich).

Another question no one seems to ask, is why were so many computers introduced in the first place in work places ? TO AUTOMATE LABOR, TO ELIMINATE LABOR, IS THAT SO HARD TO FIGURE OUT FOR CHRIST’S SAKE ? SO HOW ON EARTH CAN THOSE JOBS BE CREATED AGAIN IF THEY HAVE BEEN RENDERED OBSOLETE!?!? The only solution is FREE SALARIES AND CHEAP RENTS!, get over it all of you Right Wing Thugs, demand this from the governments worldwide and break everything until they give it to everyone!

Bullies on the Block

On the Labor Costs issues, if that was so important then almost all factories and corporations in the USA, EU and JAPAN would have closed a long time ago since 90 % of those few puny work items performed in these 3 areas could be done in 3rd world / India China or Indonesia for 200 to 300 dollars a month which is considered a pretty high salary, since they pay housing, health care and education zero, or close to that (not sure about housing, but maybe they live 10 in a house, who cares, you can adapt to anything). But they say for example Germany labor costs are high, but they are productive or competitive (funny since a little more than a year ago Germany was considered an old, eurosclerotic, welfare state, pile of crap, with too many unions, not innovative, etc. all the things that everyone else today is being blamed on being according to those huge turds that are the economists and their freindly ruling class bosses, they never say house prices and rents and mortgages must go way down, to almost zero, to really get an economy healthy and going, go figure). Nothing Further from the Truth, they all just pay whatever they want to whoever according to nothing at all but their free will, their quirk, not based on anything but what they choose decisions and will powers, don’t believe all the crap. And then they always try to hide it and make believe there are all of these real objective structural and scientific reasons for hiring in Germany and firing in Spain and so on. The only real reason is: Germany produces 5 million luxury cars a year and sells them all over the world, and similar, etc. and they have been doing this for decades.

It is all an assignment of what reality is and defined by the ruling class (or mass medias) etc. and since reality doesn’t exist, they invent anything and assign it, define it and create it right off, and everyone buys into it.

But they all want to play bullies on the block against small puny weak countries like Ireland, Portugal and Greece, a few million people to hose and rob from, nice, what bullies, they play the strong guys with the weak and small guys. Oh no they say, the Greeks retire too early, that is the problem, what incredible BS, as if that meant anything at all in an Automatic Technological Globalized economy, incredible that everyone buys into such BS!

But I guess there is a law of conservation of conflict, no matter what, the fights and conflicts will persist forever, are structural, they start from a single mind always conflicting, to people, to groups, social classes, economies, etc. Constant conflicts no matter what or who wins, even all I say is BS, no matter what, the conflicts will just change and go someplace else, always at square one again. The winner and losers just change position, same story over and over again. And other laws of conservation, laws of conservation of pain/pleasure or winners/loser, whatever, you can only win a few times but mostly lose infinite number of times in life, who defines winning and losing, and so on, if you have a big car on a block where everyone has a small, you are the winner, but if you feel different and inferior because of this all of a sudden you feel like a loser, and so on and so forth, the infinitely programmable machine.

The fact that there is so much corruption is due to the fact that so little real work exists anymore, and in order to grab more cash, you have to force it, given that you can’t deserve it anymore, no one deserves much more than anyone else in a Technological Economy that renders work not necessary. So a lot of work for lawyers, and ever more fights and conflicts and less real work.

From: … ing-1.html

Further correction and precision: find it fabian turd, see if you can find it, go man go, you can do it, go! Isn’t it Groovy and Out of Sight ?

From: … 324&st=180

Uh oh, spelling error game again and blog hog time again, find it Suzy, running like a lightning bolt, go man go, first gear it’s all right, second gear hold on tight, third gear out of sight!

From: … ing-1.html


I like being a Dead End Exit. That is really cool, thanks for that comparison, I have now found a correct self identification. I am a Dead End Exit. Cool, really cool. As in, a rusty old Dead End Exit, in some abandoned country side or highway in the South or South West USA, in Fly Over country, as in the Twilight Zone, you exit this universe and enter another, since you modified your mind and it now decodes reality and the universe in completely different unknown ways, you are really Dead, you are really at the End of reality and Physics and this Universe, and You are Exiting this universe to go maybe into another or who knows!

Little Cindy and Betty and Robby and Tommy have been doing new experiments in some modified Mind - Universe perceived Contraptions, and are doing experiments like if you need trillions of manipulations just to manufacture one electron with galaxy sized factories, hiring thousands of trillions of slave workers and computers, that would create an infinite amount of work, so imagine, use Mathematical Analysis, the limits of manipulations tending towards infinity for the simplest particles, how would that universe appear, or the other way around, you get everything instantly without any manipulations or labor, and all of the intermediate values, aggregations, delimitations, and so forth and so on, all kinds of combinations. Also when you perceive with this old clunker of a mind, the instantaneous perception resonates with previous and not so previous perceptions and memory items, etc. but the very next perception (separated by how much time, or how many intermediate states or perceptions, is it variable, how many neurons does it include, is it always changing, and so on and so forth) is compared to the previous, but which previous ? and the information is aggregated, but why aggregated, and why make it one, why not disconnect parts of it, like an eye from one person, a foot from another, or the memory of that person or experience delimited in new ways, cross delimitations or cross aggregations and so on, all possible combinations and so on, who know where it all ends or starts, create new sets of times, give them a will power, be afraid of their (which is always your own imagined) judgments of you, and so forth.

I was looking at a NASCAR race for a few minutes, and my mind started to race too, imagining all new kinds of fun things we could do together! We need new kinds of races, where Steel and Iron collide and Crash and explode and create ever new configurations of destroyed metal parts, cool, we need giant NASCAR like car races with thousands of giant cars running on giant racetrack fields on Mars and On the Sun, with 5,000 horse power beasts of engines, hogging up oil like they never drank in trillions of years, polluting like crazy and running around at 400 miles an hours and them all crashing, oh, what fun, crash cars, crash everything, destroy everything, and rebuild real fast, go for it, imagine it all, go man go,



The propaganda against labor and unions is pretty thick these days. One rule of thumb for me is to look at where money actually goes and how it is spent by employers. I’ve noticed that there is a lot of money just wasted, going down the drain, having nothing to do with employees. Here’s an example. At my little job, my boss wastes a lot of money. An example is two months of yellow pages listings, and paying rent on a machine that she never uses any more because she doesn’t want to take the time to call the company and get them to pick it up. And yet she and her new cohorts don’t want to pay a fair hourly wage to the office help, but instead insist on a lower amount. It’s pretty nuts, really. Luckily for me, I’m leaving next month and don’t mind at all; but it’s still not right.


Dude says:

“Long term, I think science will come up with a drug that keeps men chemically castrated for as long as they are on it. It sounds bad, but I suspect that if a man loses his urge for sex, he also doesn’t miss it.”

I answer:

Exact opposite happens: the less the urge, the worse it becomes, the more you want it, even if it is impossible for you, strange, hey, go figure, I know, being Impotent.

Control Theory

There is a strange thing that happens when using language, but most of all large scale abstractions (like Economy, Welfare, Americans, Blacks, Innovation, Money, you name it), of which language is full of: the language, the thoughts, the blocks of text fool the mind into thinking that reality is actually that thought or block of text, that reality follows or is associated strongly with what our words say, it fools us into thinking that someone or something is “IN CONTROL”, that there is some centralized system of power, or decisions, or software that is making reality abide to what our ever changing description of it is. Nothing Further from the Truth.

There is nothing, nothing is true or false, real or fake, nothing is in control of anything, nothing decides for everything and everyone, no one knows what or who is in control because nothing is in control. Even though we have all of these fancy power structures in place making believe that they are real and effective like governments, the laws (just think of how remote, how detached, how abstract any law that is passed is compared to how it eventually is or will be applied, all of the non intended consequences, etc. the coupling even between a law and its imagined effect is sometimes so loose, often it does the opposite, often people just like to always hose any law, just for the fun of it, like to be as illogical and irrational and break all and any logic just because, just because the mind is a huge clustrph*k, always in conflict with itself, always making fun of itself, and other people, and groups of people against other people, and all kinds of conflicts and irrationality, you name it, good luck in trying to figure any of it out, or in trying to CONTROL any of it), parliaments, presidents, etc. they actually have very little effect on anything and control very little, they are very loosely coupled to reality so to say.

But especially the science of “Economics” uses all of its descriptions and statistics and aggregations of measured values to make believe that reality follows patterns, has a logical mind of its own, or that there are real causes and effects going on when this is not true at all. Most of the aggregated values produced by economic statistics are simply numbers that don’t really represent anything at all except for themselves.

What we have is an instantaneous transition of the system (intended as the sum of all people and manipulations going on) from one state to the next following some patterns, but that could change in a jiffy, mostly for no reason at all except for the fact that a sequence of distinct unrelated decisions, sometimes coupled or connected (loosely ? strongly ?) sometimes not, from often unrelated will powers create a new configuration of Mass Energy, a new state of the system, that then is just waiting to change again from any other new impulse (or even without any cause, an effect without a cause) and set of random unrelated, mostly unrelated and irrational decisions.

Like in the Total Metaphysical Insecurity that states that the universe or physics is or could have been or could be or will be or has been anything at all, even as bad as possible since it is an external fluke, as is there could be a hell without a god, and an ever worse hell for no reason at all, the next state that the system of Mass Energy of people and machines and manipulations as this thin fluid of Matter on the surface of the earth transitions to could be anything at all, even infinitely different from what we see now, and even all in a jiffy, for no reason at all, even god wouldn’t know or couldn’t predict the reason or the next state, even the laws of physics couldn’t predict the next state, even after the fact, even the history is not determined, nay, never determined, is a lie, never happened, or always happened, total chaos, confusion, unknown, go on man, go on forever, break it all, kill everything. I prefer nothing, nothing is my friend, nothing is always better than anything, even better than itself as nothing is something, but I want a less nothing, so another infinite recursion (or regression), there I go again…

There are some popular ideas and thoughts that people have, a consensus is generated around some ideas, but it is only a very superficial consensus, it is only lip service, no one is really enforcing it, no one controls it, no one decides it, there is no power structure to really impose it, even though I have often said that the ruling class (or maybe a culture ? a civilization ? a mind ? who knows ?) assigns reality, defines reality and ultimately creates it. This is true, but in a light way so to say, in a generic fashion, people just absorb what the same old sentences say over and over again, and simply assign it as true, and the ruling class uses this technique to create a consensus, a political will power that the majority then makes their own, so as to force decisions against themselves, but everyone agreeing with them even though they go against their own interests so bluntly, like pay back the debts (they were brainwashed in getting into debt in the first place), labor is always too expensive, you have to be productive and competitive and it is correct for companies to lay off etc. (even though maybe “their own interests” doesn’t even exist in a way, maybe that is also assigned and created and defined arbitrarily).

So don’t think that anything is in charge, that anything is controlling, don’t be surprised when a new statistic, a new bit of data, contradicts what you thought, a new local experience shows you something totally different from what you think, like the stores and restaurants were jammed packed, but we are in a recession, or similar. There are no jobs, or jobs are automated out of existence, and then you see thousands of jobs popping up out of nowhere. Or JHK discovers a trillion years worth of oil in his backyard.


Kill everything, destroy everything, contradict yourself always, make no sense at all, kill making sense, just do it. Reality has no cause and effects, it is all an effect without a cause, or a cause that generates no effect.

Only local instantaneous actions and reactions, a one shot, one point interaction, interactions of Mass Energy playing with itself, a simple action - reaction of Reciprocally Instantaneously Defined and Assigned and Created Information Relationships changing and defining and redefining each other, measuring, therefore creating and inventing themselves, and existing only in virtue of that instantaneous measurement, comparison, interaction, that collision of two bits of information in a Metaphysical space that doesn’t exist.


Uh oh… you guessed right! It is that time again, by yours truly, error correction and blog hog time again, until they finally BAN ME!, What are they waiting for ? Oh, I forgot, no one or nothing is in control of anything …

Give Them a Content

The whole idea that the mind, through large chunks of texts, thoughts, all the patterns, all the books, a never ending amount of data, reading and thinking is focusing in on reality and “learning” more, so as to achieve more progress is WRONG and INSANE. Now matter how much you think or write, no matter how carefully you study history, try to analyze, no matter what, you are always at square one, because the next state of the system is independent from, has no relationship with, is totally disconnected from, nay, will try to ferociously contradict and wildly surprise and shock you, just for the fun of it. That is because there are no patterns in reality, there is no one keeping score, nothing in control, there is no metaphysical memory remembering what happened and taking control to make it happen in some orderly way. No, the laws of physics are simply deceptions, subtle and sophisticated deceptions that fit in nicely with the master deception that is our mind brain and thought. This completely does away with all of our science, culture, religions, truth, right/wrong, etc. and the entire idea of progress in a jiffy. See how easy it is ?

But the mind needs a content to work on, to meditate upon, to find new patterns, to make believe it is in control, to create an almost totally imaginary world it lives in, for all of its life, and it creates this imaginary world with just a few bits of external information, after, it is all construction (waiting to interact with another imaginary construction in another mind that will collide with it, through social rules or whatever), just like I am doing now, and just like JHK has been doing for years. And a new content immediately makes it forget the present content occupying it or makes it go in the background and compares it with other contents it already viewed in memory (but how many background contents are resonating at the same time, how many infinite recursions of contents connected to other contents, contradicting other contents and so forth and so on ?). And is the content new ? is it just comparing instantaneously and changing content for novelty ? then going back, if the memory was wrong, and the content was old anyways, if the content is always the same, fast changes of contents, how fast, picosecond, how many neurons or bits and so forth and so on.

So the mind feels lost without a content, as in pattern searching machine, so Give it a Content It will be Happy, give it a content to think about and work on, give it some imaginary pattern (and associated starting points, paths, targets, etc.), especially make it play sophisticated chess games with other minds (as in interacting with people, and trying to imagine what they are thinking, judging, if you are getting it right, what next step to make, trying to imagine the next reaction, and resonating it all with what you remember of the person, or all the confusing bits and pieces you know about all the persons (or things ?) you interact with, etc.), the mind - brain needs a content always.

But why ? Just because. Just for fun, Because it sucks and it is always wrong, that’s why. Why do I hate the mind - brain so much ? nay, why do I hate my brain so much ? hose, stick it stick it, kill it. Why do I like the idea to destroy and kill, kill so much, rage against nature, people, myself, kill and destroy. Sooner or later everything breaks down, so you might as well break it all yourself, don’t let the random forces of quantum mechanics do it for you, do it ahead of time, kill, and destroy everything real fast, like a nuke, like a devil.

Now I got little Peter running around the backyard screaming and laughing and jumping all up and down, saying kill everything and everybody, rage against nature and people (not rage against the machine), nuke everything, bomb, destroy, destruction, so cool, how they are growing up in the correct fashion. They don’t need to play video games, they are learning better ways to bust up everything.

And I imagine that instead of atom smasher particle accelerators in physics you could have, car engine smashers, accelerating colliding car engines, smashing them up in millions of pieces (even running at full throttle while they collide), now that is REAL SCIENCE BIG TIME, figure out all the patterns, all the equations of smashing car engines, then extend to bigger car engines, to everything imaginable, and other items, Skyscraper smashers, accelerating huge skyscrapers and making them collide and studying the physics and equations of these new particles, since these are reflections of other elementary particles, and so on, planet smashers, galaxy smashers, universe smashers, you name it, oh what fun, and now even little Betty and Cindy are jumping up and down and screaming and laughing in the backyard saying how cool it would be to smash colliding car engines, and all kinds of things, cool colliding Skyscrapers (in super gigantic Skyscraper Accelerators on Mars), etc. If you can imagine it, do it.

Ok, was that long enough ? Wow, you guys and gals have your work cut out for you, you have a lot of homework to do, study it all carefully, JHK himself will test you all on it. Do you know how many cool sounding blocks of text I can write with all of the digital memory available on the internet ? Wow, mind boggling.

On the Colliding Car Engine Accelerators, and Colliding Skyscraper Accelerators, you can also imagine the contraptions having sense organs, feeling pain/pleasure and transmitting it to computers, people, minds, modified minds, etc. Also, on a smaller scale, someone out there could write some software program to simulate colliding car engines and skyscrapers ad see what happens, a cool new, “service sector” job and “research and development”, just saying.

Every time you see interactions, causes and effects, it is a bit like feeling them too, as if you see yourself as part of an entity, person or item, so even just seeing the car engines collide would be cool, almost like feeling it.

On a different note (we are all learning how to speak like JHK, he is teaching us how to write pseudo blocks of texts) all we can do is manipulate bits, we can just imagine things, and make believe that they have some effect: any really concrete thing would require a real enormous amount of labor, time, people, etc. Just imagine building a Colliding Car Engine Accelerator!! But that is what we should do with all of the unemployed, give them a real valuable spiritual goal, create huge public private projects hiring them all, hobby factories, something to feel proud of, feel proud of having achieved something real and of lasting value, something that gives you a real goal, ambition, something that makes people all feel like winners (the car engines lose).

Anyways, watch 24 hours a day of TV for a trillion years, that is the maximum achievement possible, that is real Automatic for the People (and how I hate the greens and all of those against TV, it is by far the best thing ever, as I love TV!).


Why is life (not existence ?) the concentration of function ? Why is life just action/reaction, pain/pleasure ? and yet we are surrounded by extensions, by items that have extensions in space and time, that are made up of details, that are not only functions and causes and effects, like us, or like our mind frames everything: Matter, Mass Energy, Reality is simply being, existing, without any cause or interaction (goal ? target ? function ?), we are slaves of interaction, we must frame everything in interaction (functions and cause and effects, a kind of one bit universe, the rest of the bits are just noise, like rocks and matter, but it is the noise that is real, our functions, language and information are puny words trying to compress the world in simple symbols), we can’t except the extension of items as extensions are simply everything that is outside of functions, interactions and causes and effects: we frame the extensions in information, in bits, but the extensions of items (as opposed to words, rocks are full of details and information, but there is no clear cut causes and effects going on, no interactions necessary, no functions, words are functions, rocks or any extending item is outside of function, we should create words and numbers that are only extensions and with no functions (as in functions are symbols and words in a language, in a universe of reciprocal (puny) relationships, but things that just extend don’t relate with anything else, they just are, they just exist)).

We need only Noise, lots of noise, infinite extensions of nothing, that is valuable, not thought or language, or mathematics, or our mind, it is cool that most of the earth is just rocks down to the core, rocks that don’t do anything, because they are superior to us and know better.

Like the Sun, it doesn’t do anything (except our puny idea that it generates energy, we always want to bias things for them to make sense to us) but the Sun is just a huge ball of matter that extends and does nothing, just a whole bunch of matter existing, and moving (but why does language - thought - our mind - consciousness saturate everything with relationships even when no relationships are needed to describe anything ? we need to get rid of language and thought and our mind and consciousness).


Uh oh… you guessed right! It is that time again, by yours truly, error correction and blog hog time again, until they finally BAN ME!, What are they waiting for ? Oh, I forgot, no one or nothing is in control of anything …


Cause without an effect, or an effect without a cause. If A causes A, then it chases itself, this is existence against function, our mind - brain creates the imposition of mathematics, cause and effect, function upon being, upon the monolithic slab of existence. Since the photon chases itself in order to cause itself it runs around in cricles and hence the diameter of the circle of the chase determines the frequency of the photon, the frequency of the light (or gamma ray). We force patterns on reality, we force it to behave mathematically and to have equations to describe it, but reality rebels against this, that is why electrons behave like waves, they are causing themselves and chasing themselves, they want to escape the imposition of logic and non contradiction upon themselves since the essence of reality is contradiction, existence, (that is why quantum mechanics is strange for us), existence, no function, extension, no cause and effect, infinity, no time and eternity, a monolithic slab of nothing, just like consciousness and thought, only without all the logic and symbols and language. By using limits again, mathematical analysis, make the functions tend to zero upon Matter and you get existence, make the functions and symbols tend towards infinity and you get an infinite array of symbols and descriptions, our science is somewhere in between.

We need to get rid of this old clunker of a brain - mind, we need parallel existence machines, that perceive reality as a whole, but doesn’t have to do anything with it, has no use, function, and no intentionality of use, we will achieve modified minds that do these (but aren’t they not supposed to do anything ? hmmm). And when functions (exist because non functions and extensions exist) must manipulate entities that have some extension, at what point does extensions and being become functions, where is the interface, why questions ? questions are functions, extensions, noise, and more noise.

Nothing is my only friend.


I was reading about Pakistan and thinking, exactly what is it ? A denotation, an indirection, a symbol, an aggregation of elements put into one chunk that should represent “something”, that has relationships, that is in a system of symbols and causes and effects and functions. So what is it ? the sum total of all of the imagined lives and people, we have faith that they are alive and living and existing, the sum total of existences (as in people, not in the metaphysical term (is there are a difference ? hmmm, another unknown, unanswerable questions, as the limit (as in mathematical analysis) to it all, is the saturation of the universe with questions, or is that answers ? or none or both ? or do they just exchange position ?)). So we imagine this abstraction that denotes other people and their lives and a nation and buildings and all and put it all in one bag.

And we do the same with everything, a memory of our life or a life, or the thought of something or anything, a person, a place, a thing, an interaction, an experience, anything, it is all a denotation, an imagining that that thing exists or existed or is or was real, was recorded somewhere, the recording of the thing makes it exist and makes it real (is that why we have cemeteries ? but nothing is really recorded anywhere, no one and nothing is keeping score, nothing is in control, no one and nothing is recording anything anywhere, as all is destined to disappear). But it is nothing at all, just an imaginary fake entity that we loosely can associate with other imaginary fake entities (that they themselves can loosely couple and associate with us (or is it only me ?)), it is all a make believe, a symbol, a denotation, a number, not real, not true, not available, not related, if not in some fairy tale world in our pseudo mind.

Like information, when birds sing, do they transmit an entire universe with those few sounds, an entire experience condensed in a one dimensional sense organ like sound ? (after all we do transmit the reflection of whole chunks of the universe and reality just with these sequence of symbols that are words, and blocks of text). And if a mind decodes those symbols more fully and can recreate more information and deeper information from just a sequence of bits, just like a TV can recreate an entire movie from a sequence of bits (in a dvd) etc. So a modified mind can recreate much more than the sequence of bits as a symbol, and make them come alive, and associate them with extensions and extended items, and real items, not only functions and relationships, and associate them with and recreate experiences, and create hundreds of new sense organs and new sensations and interactions and experiences, and deeper and more profound pain/pleasure, actions/reactions and others, a never ending array.

Art in a sense is extension, the whole, experience achieved as opposed to function, words, logic and cause and effect. Art is superior to science because of this, it appreciates all the random details and noise and extensions of items, abstracting them from any functions and relationships, it does the opposite from us stripping reality and items and entities from their substance only to concentrate on their functions and which new functions and interactions and causes and effects we can produce by using them as chunks of pseudo words.

Invert everything, like could you build a car (or microprocessor) with your bare hands ? So we live in a universe with a “Barrier to Construction”, how many manipulations and technological manipulations are necessary to build a car with your bare hands ? Just imagine, extracting minerals, working them, etc. But we can invert the system to a “Barrier to Destruction” system, where building things that are logical and complex and functional is as easy as it is for us to destroy things in a “Barrier to Construction” world. Then what ? Imagine that it would be that hard to destroy anything and take it out of a logical functional system of interactions, like if you try to destroy a car it morphs into a microprocessor or similar (imagine all the intermediate states, or all possible permutations of these things and ideas).

So a virtual reality, modified mind or whatever can create a system where there are very complex and infinite manipulations to finally blow things up completely, but can’t be done easily because of a barrier to destruction, but then what is destruction and creation ? what is building up or destroying anyways ? It is a bias we have towards reality, or pain/pleasure circuits, or functions we think are necessary, and so on and so forth.

But actually since we can’t easily build microprocessors or cars with our bare hands, then modified minds are more direct, more natural, less indirect and needing less technological manipulations, so what seems more artificial, like changed brains and minds is actually closer to nature and more natural than our technological items we build, go figure. And we can create even more indirections just for the fun of it … (but nature is another of those words that doesn’t mean anything, it is a religion, and should be killed as such, Kill everything, kill, kill, how I love the idea of killing, and destroying everything, kill everyone, animals, extreme destruction, our only possibility, our only freedom, go for it bluntly, be free finally and kill with all your heart and hate with all of your guts, finally free).

It is as if we can abstract and extract more from the universe than what is naturally available, there is more in our imagination and inventiveness than we naturally have to deal with (so then, there is more in our mind than in the universe and not the other way around as some philosopher once said ?), so we (me or it ?) have excess capacity brain - minds inventing and reading more reality and universe than what is naturally available.

Anyways, back to the colliding car engines accelerators, we can imagine huge machines having extremely powerful magnetic fields making these engines float and making them go around in these huge accelerators, while the engines run full (or any intermediate speed) throttle, two in opposite directions, and make them collide and see how they disintegrate. And create glass engines then and do the same, and see how many times you will have to cycle the experiment until they disintegrate in exactly the same way (or at least with a millimeter of difference (or micrometer?)). And then extend it, to Skyscrapers, any other items, and mixed items, you get the idea, just invent what you want to make collide and see what happens, cool!

But an even simpler experiment, just repeat forever dropping a glass from a table and breaking it on the floor, and see how many times you will have to cycle through until two glasses break up in exactly the same way…


Uh oh… you guessed right! It is that time again, by yours truly, error correction and blog hog time again, until they finally BAN ME!, What are they waiting for ? Oh, I forgot, no one or nothing is in control of anything …

If you can guess where the error was, you get a GOLD STAR, so start playing my game, let’s see who wins!

Kill Information

Information is strange, it creates a lot of imaginary problems, much better not to know anything, all of the threats and menaces for every new bit of information you get, all of the bad things that could or will happen to you are mostly make believe: for 100 information bits you get, 99 just add to anxiety, make you think of even more bad things that could happen (the bad thing already happened, you got another information bit in your mind to torture you), maybe only one bit will come true, but you have no control anyways on that one bit (even though you may fool yourself into thinking you have, and even if you do have control, if you fix up B, you mess up C, so you are at square one all over again), therefore kill information, news, communication and even the internet. Free your mind.

And we have ever more information, measurements, news, we know everything ever more, and everything is always worse or must be debated or is manipulable (and all of the news items are from very remote, complex, far away places, events or things, or functions (like cesium, like pollution, like Pakistan), you name it, a never ending array of “problems” and debates and potentially manipulable things, but you really can’t manipulate anything except these bits on the internet, or hot air and talk or your own thoughts, end of story), but hose information, it just makes everything worse, kill information, kill news, kill communications and problems and worries: eat, drink and be merry, and then you die.



We are extension that becomes function: we have a body that is extended but every point of it feels the touch organ, gets an information, how retarded is that ? While as rocks and DEAD THINGS (that are infinitely superior to us) don’t have to be slaves of sensations, functions and information, don’t have to be slaves of constant impulses, constant plain/pleasure circuits and interactions all connected to that huge clskt*phk that is that old obsolete clunker of the present day design of the mind - brain.

So we, and life in general, is the condensation of extension into functions, or a lot of functions, causes and effects, Matter wanted to play around with itself and invented mathematics and functions, why did it betray its real essence ? Why did it decide to attempt the road of non contradiction ? Totally insane, we will kick Matter’s ass real fast and real soon, you bet, even though I am an impotent, shrinking violent and pussy whip, I will do it anyways (and fail and be punished as usual, but that is ok, I lose, ok, criticism accepted). Why did nature do this to us, Who is going to beat the living daylights out of nature and god and the laws of physics for doing this to us and punishing us ?. Who on earth do they think they are !?!?

We will kill them all big time, kill with all of our guts and hate and violence, no tolerance here, metaphysical urgency demands fast action, and that action is always only kill and destruction, hate and inflicting infinite pain on those entities that condemned us into this idiotic, one dimensional, function world, while we need, a meaningless and no function world, a world that is dead and not living, as that is so much more superior.

On the tolerance thing, no way jose’, we need fights and violence and killing and destruction, no way jose, progress is over, now it is all fun and games, kill, beat up, destroy, you can do it, little Betty is going crazy with laughter after all of this she is smashing up everything in the backyard with little Tommy, oh what fun it is to ride on the new wildly modified mind - brain.

Soon, Mommy will call us all in for dinner, another fun day outside, oh so much fun, we found a new game to play, while Daddy works in that crappy corporate job that always wants to hose him (no queer family here, we are a simple Mommy and Daddy and kids in the suburbs, in the backyards, playing, none of all of this perverted modern crap, we are more decent and educated, we have good manners too, and Jesus speaks to little children, although I see a lot of MARKS OF THE BEAST AROUND ME FOR SOME STRANGE REASON).



Little Betty told me to say this: love trash, hate nature, kill nature, hate nature with all your guts, burn the trees: nature and life is the sickness, death is the cure. I was reading about “Napoli” Italy, they have trash all over the place, too much trash, can’t handle it anymore or something like that, also the UK seems to have similar issues and other places. Cool, everything is trash today, we generate trash like crazy, we need more and more trash, like the plastic island in the Pacific, go for it, ever more trash, only trash is left. All of the storage in the US contains trash, old books, old records, full of old stuff, now it is all worthless trash, we need more trash like ever, everything is worthless, go for it, trash is all we have left, that is so cool.

How I hate nature, burn the trees, burn and kill all life forms: the greens think that we are “natural”, but trash is the only real face of nature, conflict, fight and violence, we don’t need life in the universe, we need to get rid of it real fast, we need plasma state matter, like in the Sun and stars, and dead rocks like on Mars. Kill nature, hate it, we don’t need the “sacred”, we don’t need to worship this false, imaginary religion, what is really sacred is death and plasmas in Suns, and rocks and all things dead. Sacred is machines, modified minds, wildly modified mind - brain - universe invented, created and perceived contraptions, and chunks of such contraptions, the further away from nature we can get the better, kill carbon atoms and carbon chemistry, no nature here, only radioactive decay, what is really valuable and worthwile.

Why am I not BANNED YET ? What’s up with that ? why do you guys want to keep on reading this drivel and crap and trash, as is everything is trash and worthless, but that is what makes everything sacred, we need trash and worthless more than anything else, the more worthless and trash, the better, all that crap in storage, all the old books, and TVs hanging around in the US homes and worldwide, cool, ever more consumption, production and trash, we are all trash also, man is trash thank god. Kill values, kill the idea of worth, kill all religions and beliefs.

Equal Sign

Money is the equal sign, is the place holder that creates the equivalence between a set of informational and physical manipulations for 8 hours a day on one side and needs on another. This equivalency is not established by the imaginary “invisible hand of the market”, but by the stronger party exchanging the equivalency. Any equivalency can be invented and assigned (any connections can be made, as they are made in the mind, and everything in the mind, as abstractions, can be connected to any other thing, all items in the mind make them 1 item and all kinds of associations and connections can be created, hence we needed a place holder an equal sign to keep track of it, hence money, the number, the meaning, real pure invention), any equal sign can be enforced and connected between the 2 things, it just depends on what the stronger party wants, his quirk desire, his quirks turdy free will that expresses his egotism, the crap that he is, being strong (the strong are always total craps who don’t deserve anything) he assigns what is equal to what.

So work, as in a “barrier to construction”, as in hard work (like house building and picking stuff in agriculture with your bare hands) is usually paid very little, this is because it is nice to express this power relationship by assigning real hard work with the minimum pay. That is so nice and cool (and yet everyone thinks they are doing hard work in offices and services, exactly the opposite is true, they are all freeloaders not deserving anything, hose them), everyone loves this imaginary linearity and cause and effect, more work more money, when the exact opposite is in place and operating: the harder the work, the more work, the less money, go figure.

But the metaphysical abstraction of a set of actions and experiences and manipulations in a given time is equal to a solid, crystallized entity, like so much work can buy a car, or house, the way the manipulations then condense into a solid object represents a completely invented connection: you have manipulations that produce the object, and they are connected by cause and effect, and then you have detached, unrelated manipulations that are assigned as equivalent by money, the equal sign between totally unrelated entities, experiences, items, labor and the objects that labor is buying. This is a pure invention, can be anything, and is anything, this shows the truly arbitrary nature of all of our rules, the truly invented, not necessary nature of all of our connections, the hidden ideologies behind them, etc. So wall street thieves can buy many homes and cars, as fluke - quirk connection, the guys building skyscrapers in China and picking the fields in farming can buy nothing. So cool, isn’t it ?

Everything is a kind of hope of result, a kind of bet, a guess, an intentionality of result: so much work will buy you that car, that pretty lady makes me hope in a good affair (it may work for a while, maybe not so good, some good sex, maybe not so) the image creates the imagined experience and the hope of that experience, but nothing is guaranteed, nothing is to be expected, every instant is a guess, a quirk chance, a risk, you may win or lose, who knows ?

When people say “Taxes are too high” that takes a lot of brain power doesn’t it ? when corporations say this, they are so deep aren’t they ? What they are saying is simply, I don’t want to pay just because, because I want to hog it all myself. Wow, such an important and sophisticated point of view, and yet everyone loves to say taxes are high, they all think they are being so deep and right and correct. What idiots, taxes serve to pay other people, or do you want services for free ? Incredible turds all those who don’t like taxes, we need more taxes, ever more, we need governments to hire millions and cheap rents.

I read the high worth individuals worldwide have 40 trillion dollars, cool, you could hire 400 million people for 10 years at 800 dollars a month (a very good and high salary in most of the world) and give them a free salary, but everyone agrees that it is correct to just give 400 million free salaries to the already super rich. So cool isn’t it ? If I say governments should give out free salaries and cheap rents to people because the money is in the system, that is bad and evil, if the super rich give themselves 400 million free salaries for 10 years, that is ok, they worked “hard” for it, go figure.


I don’t understand why everyone is against watching TV on this blog. Are they crazy or what ? It is the best thing possible, all of your targets are achieved by watching TV, you are totally achieved, satisfied, all the causes and effects that you can want and imagine are reflected on the actions on the TV and you always achieve your target no matter what. We need more TV, we need 24 hours a day for a trillion years of TV, it is everything you could possibly want, it gives infinity, it is way more than anyone can possible want in life, those against TV are total turds who deserve to be simply Killed. Your Will Power is achieved by watching TV, it is total Automatic for the People, it is everything you could ever want and infinitely more, so what on earth do these insane people against TV want ? They are really bat shit crazy, I am telling you. We need trillions of TV, you can change channels, how cool, TV will win no matter what, so there, all of those against it have lost.

Another reason to watch TV is because reality and life doesn’t deserve all of the analysis and thoughts and blocks of texts dedicated to it in trying to analyze it or improve it or manipulate it. We spend way more thought on reality than what it is worth. Reality, life, people, society, economy are such huge turds without any direction except what millions of idiotic fluke people and things decide to do, behaving like turds always, and contradicting, no matter how perfect your imaginary model of it is, that it is insane to even waste a word on it. Therefore all of what I have wrote, and all of the history books, and all the blogs and texts and blocks of texts are useless, not applicable, not relevant, are talking about another universe, are pure inventions. So just watch TV, give up real fast, we must learn to give up, giving up is the best thing you could possibly do, and we must learn to like being bored, we must learn to not do anything anymore for 24 hours a day for a trillion years.

We are too Top Heavy, thought heavy, brain heavy, better to be bottom heavy maybe (whatever that could mean), for example work and labor is always function oriented, doing something, something must be done always (this function oriented, always target and doing is pure insanity, is a fairy tale model of an idea imposed upon a reality that doesn’t need it all, if only minimally), always doing something to achieve something to manipulate something to change something from A to B, but we must kill functions and doing things, A is just as good as B, or we can just make believe and lie to ourselves (anyways life and everything is essentially 100 % total lies and false, so who cares) and say we achieved A from B through a trillion complex manipulations, or the opposite, we achieved B from A, and anyways there is always automatic for the people because either A or B, it has been done, whatever you see has been achieved already (as you can make believe that the starting point was anything at all, so I cooked a car into existence in my kitchen using eggs and milk, wow a trillion manipulations, the car you see outside, that was the one cooked up, see Automatic for the People), nothing left to do anyways. Kill functions, kill causes and effects, kill the idea of labor and work, we don’t need it, we need being and static and existence and nothing, and watching TV, where all of your A and Bs are done for you automatically, what better world possible ?

On another note, exactly those that say you can’t give free salaries and cheap rents are living in an imaginary world where labor, work, factories and 8 hour work days (and all of those jobs that try to simulate and imitate this obsolete utopian fairy tale), constant manipulations necessary (18th century factories, 20th century work environments) are the really fake and imaginary concepts, are no longer operating and no longer needed. The world no longer operates according to being better than another or hard work will make you achieve this and that, inequality is justified, there is all of this necessary labor needed, and so on and so forth. Nothing further from the truth, it is an imaginary, utopian model that think that people, their merits, their ability counts and is necessary. Well, guess what ? It is no longer true or operating, you have a Technological Economy that is doing away with any kind of labor BIG TIME, factories churning out goods with peanut salaries 24 hours a day anywhere in the world, etc. and the only thing that makes someone deserve something more than another is how much he can simply grab it and rob it, and the only guy that can be hired is the one willing to do some job for the least money possible.

Don’t expect pay increases because you think “you are better”, that is the utopia, that is false thinking, not free salaries and cheap rents, what is really needed. But people, just to keep on sustaining this ancient 18th century model of hard work makes you make more money, you have to deserve it, you are better than and can be better than him and so on, they keep on believing this utopian fairy tale. Just because so many people are against the idea of freeloading and free salaries and cheap rents for purely artistic, moralistic, puny puritanical “work ethics” reasons, doesn’t mean that that isn’t what is really needed and necessary as the economy today no longer operates according to all of those old “work ethic” rules.

And this fake utopian model is simply giving 400 million free salaries yearly to the already super rich that didn’t do anything to deserve it, except rob it all from the poor.



"At this stage of the game if I get sick I’d rather shoot myself than make some for profit medical clinic richer than they already are. "

Another denotation, abstraction, a logical error: people punish themselves to avoid being “punished” by some external situation, organization, or even other people. Who on earth cares ? Why do you have to keep a score that is impossible to keep and win from the outset ? So who cares that they make money, who cares that A wins and you lose ? Do what gives you the least pain, and hose all of the metaphysical, ideological and moralistic BS connected to what other organizations or people do: there is no way to win and get out of the idea that relationships with people is anything more than simply a fight, A against B, a contradiction, a win or lose game, nothing else, you can make it sophisticated, you can play contorted games of steps and counter steps and all kinds of chess game like endeavors, mind games, imaging people or things and making baby steps into certain directions hoping to win, but the truth is, no dice jose’, you will lose, like all of us no matter what, you are playing a chess game against god, he wins you lose, end of story.

Also, as a corollary, information is a bitch, kill information, the more you know the more problems and mental contortions you have, the more you know, the more problems you have, it was better that you never knew how much the private health care thieves make, who cares, less information is more peace of mind, kill information big time.

Also a lot of more and new information provokes more conflicts and contrasts, more news, more new discoveries, more new things, associations, information, science, technologies, innovations and changes (like gays, who ever even knew they existed ? why aggravate me with this idiotic issue ? kill them all, kill gays and everyone, ok ?) creates ever more fights, debates, contrasts, worries, thoughts, options to choose from, you name it. Kill information, kill knowledge, kill science, kill it all, the less you know the better, and everything you know is just another problem, another prison guard keeping you in prison with some other abstract, imaginary, make believe fluff denotation, symbol, score keeping, whatever. Another cause and effect, another target to reach and hope gets reached, person A is sick, I want him to get cured, stuff like that sucks, better not to know that person A is sick, better nothing, kill caring for people, kill love (that huge turd, another religion, how I hate religions of all kinds, and all of those things that want to make believe they are “deep”, things that make believe that they are “life scope”, that they are oh, so important like “your career”, your “family”, etc. kill deep) the simpler the mind the better, Kill education, kill literacy, kill all of our civilization, yeah, JHK is right, we need to go back to the simplest possible stone age, no memory or thoughts, no knowledge and progress and science, no nothing, barely any conscious thought, no memory, no rules, the simplest the better and just sleep 24 hours a day for a 100 years.

Information creates fights. Information is the problem.

Ok nameta, I’d say some of what you are saying is aligned but surely not all of it, is that ever the case? But I’ll be honest I gave up reading when I saw how much you had posted and got the gest of the outlook…

Anyways back to subject-direct: I’d say one of the main problems is derived from to things Usury (loans with interest) Insurance (where money is made on the basis that most people pay more than what they get out, thats gotta be a good thing to invest in.)(really its the same for loanning with interest-for-profit) and computerization/robotics (which is taking Jobs from people): Of course with robotics and computerization, you think that well the computers do a better job. That is true in some cases where it is not the case I think that computerized/robotic automation should be forbidden. It is clearly not always better for example: A missle from the air strikes in libya hit a civilian home killing a few people 2 of which were children. back in the day of swords, things like that didn’t happen unintentionally: Yeah there was raping an pillaging, but and army of men didn’t just accidently kill something that was not targeted. If they did anything it was because it came as an order and if not it was the fault of that person, here with robotics we run into death without being able to perscribe fault and there by fix the problem…right?



Like when a story of something ends badly that is supposed to render the entire experience, the entire lifeline of that story of that chunk of life worth zero. How can one point, one information, one conclusion kill maybe years of experiences and life ? absurd, and in fact it really doesn’t, it just does so in our mind that is always wrong: the story of or a chunk of story doesn’t have any worth or meaning or conclusion or measurement, it just is and you can assign it anything at all, but better to just not assign anything to it and leave it undefined. Like when you see a store that is closed for years and then tries to open again, so somehow you think that the time of the store being closed is supposed to then be equivalent to some great result after, when it finally opens, but it is not so, our association of time with production, with results as if some imaginary item, even if it is doing nothing at all is producing, working, concluding, creating value, becoming more valuable, is executing manipulations, imaginary manipulations, just like real estate that goes up in price but it is not doing anything (except being a proxy for power relationships), we think it is supposed to create a great result: not so, there is no relationship with time closed and result, aside from the fact that if something is static for years, did time even pass there ? if nothing happens time doesn’t exist, time doesn’t pass, time just measures the number of changes of states of something compared to something else.

On queers, aside from the fact that who on earth even knew they existed (along with 99 % of things sexual), they are probably just impotents and frigids trying to make it up, trying to create some social justification, some model to hide their total sex failure, their total worthlessness in that field: but they lose anyways and forever, actually in this field everyone loses always and almost forever as everyone is a sex failure no matter what, that is a game lost by everyone always at any age (the older the more you lose, no matter what) and so forth and so on. It is better and was better to hide all things sexual, like the muslims, make believe it doesn’t exist, in fact it shouldn’t, it should be a social secret, yeah, we should go back to the middle ages where it was this huge mysterious social secret (in truth it still is, and all the information about it is just plain all wrong, it doesn’t follow any of our models and just does what it wants when it wants, like teenage girls getting pregnant, that is the real natural flow of things and the right and only age to have sex, actually nothing is right in sex, it is always all wrong no matter what). So give up real fast, you are all total losers, all failures, and go to church and pray (you are all going to hell, infinite pain forever, how I hope god beats us up and he hates us with all his guts and punishes us forever, the worst the better, kill all hope, go figure, no matter what, especially queers, and anyone else), and beat up queers, and everyone and Jesus talks to little children, and watch out for the MARK OF THE BEAST. AMEN.

But when you talk to a pretty lady, do you really care about what they are saying ? Isn’t this an example of function against existence, logic and symbols against extension, you look at the beauty or whatever it is attracting you, but you are forced to follow a sequence of symbols and logic, to play this idiotic game of seduction, but who cares, you should just take it and get it over with, but you can’t because you are an Impotent, Shrinking Violet, Pussy Whip and must run away, what failure, then become a queer.

If you look at how mind boggling complex and quirk and a pure guess, a pure risk, a pure chance the human body and the life expressed is, you would realize that every picosecond of life is a true miracle, a 100 % miracle, there is no guarantee that the next picosecond you are sill alive, no way jose’: just think that there is no analytical solution to the three body problem, just 3 electrons don’t know how to interact and are left to their own devices, to no control at all, to no cause and effect and function, to effects without a cause, and no laws of physics, now imagine billions of particles making up a person. No way jose’, every picosecond is a miracle granted to you by god, (not by nature that must be killed real fast), so go to church and pray, and beat up people along the way, hate everyone with all of your guts, and beat them all up, especially anyone who is different from you, kill differences, kill queers, niggers, latinos, kill anything and everything, do it man, you can do it.

I was reading in China they have so much real estate that is simply closed up, new buildings in their major cities, all closed up, thousands of apartments and offices, but the prices are way too high for normal people to simply buy them, something like 50 times their yearly salary to buy (notice rents are not even in the picture anymore, everyone thinks that doing away with the idea of rents is so cool, is so productive) and mind you, this is in a “communist” country. So normal people have to live 10 in a small house while all that real estate remains closed up: exactly as I say, the worse something can be the worse it will be, they will build trillions of skyscrapers and houses, close them all up, and let trillions of people live in a small spot all squeezed in just because. Just for the fun of it. Exactly the same thing they do in the fairy tale “free market” USA, EU and JAPAN, incredible how this real estate thing just can’t be fixed, there is so much hate and desire to beat people up by excluding them from real estate worldwide, it is incredible, and everyone plays along, no one says that it is just a box to put people in, that’s all, no, it always becomes a proxy for power relationships, an excuse to beat up people, a proxy for hate, how people love to hate other people by excluding them from real estate. Remember the present recession is all about real estate prices, that are supposed to be high and always go up, kind of like saying, an economy is good when it beats up people and excludes them from housing, wow, what great geniuses we have as economists and scientists and politicians!

Everything I say is a lie, it is all fake, make believe, trash it all, all is trash, all is failure, give up on everything forever.

OK, was that long enough ? Do you need more drivel and crap and BS from me ? Do you need to learn something else ?

Actually I am interested in what you think the purpose of saying what you are is? Or what you will achieve? Ahhhh… but can’t I see your response: “I don’t have a purpose, I’m not doing it for a reason, I’m not trying to achieve anything.” Interesting that I could be correct about that if I am if I’m not…well?

I don’t give a crap about anything I write or say, it is all BS, if anything it could be some kind of literary form, mixing science fiction with some physics and technology with some politics or whatever, who cares it is all useless anyways, information is cheap, talk is cheap, actually information is impotent, can’t do anything, all of these thoughts and blocks of texts can’t and won’t do anything, the power structures and power relationships that are in place determine all and 99.9 % of everyone has zero power, is impotent in all ways imaginable, no possibility to change anything at all, total impotency, total target missed always, constant losing machine, constant failure machine, total impossibility to achieve any possible target or goal, (but if you redefine them in your mind, you can reach all, and all is achieved) no power, zero power in all possible ways so who cares. And then by being anonymous on the internet you become an “internet entity”, unknown, undefined, no responsibility (kill responsibility, actually there is nothing left that I don’t want to kill) you can say it all, no consequences, you can be as violent as possible and everything you can do in thought and imagination is just slightly reflected on this internet machine.

But I may be just a computer program talking, how do you know ? I may be non existent, or anything or anyone else, who knows ? even yourself. So you wrote it (just change the ip address, who will know), say anything, who cares, erase it all, I hope I am banned etc.

I was noticing little Betty waving her hand to say hello or goodbye to someone and was thinking: that is the basis of most of our existence, the idea that other people exist, that we are in this together, this abstraction, this denotation and symbol, this imagining other people’s mind brain and feelings. Why is this so important, why is this so fundamental ? This can be modified, we can change these neural circuits and rules. Why not wave to a rock ? how do we know that the rock isn’t even more alive and judging us and sensitive to us ? or me or it ? How do you know other people exist ? they don’t, that is the end point, other people are ghosts, they don’t exist, only the reflections of them in your mind, the next moment that other person is somewhere else in their thoughts or whatever. Strange metaphysical problems…