Now, elaborating on the turds that are queers, this is based on a symbol, denotation, an abstraction, why is it important what other people do or don’t do ? in fact it is an extrapolation of why is it important what anyone does or doesn’t do, or anything, why do we care about their pain/pleasures or what they think or the judgment of you or whatever ? It is all abstractions, if you can’t touch it (which really means if there isn’t a direct pain/pleasure circuit immediately activated, hence the urgency of response (as this is the only thing that really exists, everything else is a fluffy abstraction, is a planning, is an attempt at taking control of something we have no control over)) then it doesn’t exist.
Are you following and suffering and getting all pissed off and engaged on how the wind is moving some rocks in the desert (or on Mars) ? You don’t even know what they are doing, you didn’t even know they existed, and in fact they don’t do anything and they don’t exist, only when you receive that command language information is (Information is a Command Language (and an Assignment Language) see my previous posts for definitions, study it all carefully you assholes), there are rocks there, follow it, now get engaged, create targets, and causes and effect, and the way you would like them to go, and then get pissed and angry if they don’t follow the starting point - path - target you arbitrarily associated with some metaphysical good, etc. Information magically makes something exist, something that previously you didn’t even know existed. Now how retarded and perverted is that ? Who cares what exists, then I can make up anything and say it exists and that achieves all I want, so there, I finally win!
Anyways, how did that ball of matter that is the earth self manipulate itself, play with itself and generate a human mind ? how perverted and retarded is that ? How come the essence of Matter is so perverted, so evil and bad, and such a lie ? Kill Matter!