I am sure that the good people would support the government to protect them in their time of need of national defense. You cant really count on the bad people to do that. The bad people will expect for the good people to pay for them. That isnt fair that a few people pay for many. It is fair that everybody pays for their protection proportionately to their income.
it is not just america that is corrupt. Where was the world during the rawanda genocide in the 90’s. No “operation freedom” then . . . from any part of the world really.
We should all be deeply ashamed of ourselves or at least our leaders.
You do have the option of saying ‘no’ to paying taxes that support the military. You voice your opinion when you vote at the polls. Its called representation. Dealing with individuals on a case-by-case basis just isnt practical. The government we have in the U.S. isnt perfect, but it is one of the best.
Why does America have such immigration problems? Why do so many people from all over the world want to move here to America? Obviously, many people want a chance for a better life. Many people move to America because the reasons that America (the U.S.) has ‘one of the best’ governments. These reasons are evident.
You site that because america has large immigration, they must be the best.
This argument does not hold water primarily because america is not the only country that has really high immigration rates. Brazil, Japan, australia, Sweden and many other european countries also has very high immigraiton rates.
People usually migrate from areas that have gov’t issues, or because of natural reasources. Obviously there is a lack of resources in mexico geographically . . . they are in the dessert. You can’t grow much.
American has been the most generous nation on Earth and we happen to be the most free because we lack a government who is fabulously fascist enough to not trust her own citizens with firearms. =D> =D> =D>
This is a sane world, so you are wrong. Unless you care to present evidence that this is an insane world, or that there’s any connection between sanity and the other, I will continue to assume that you are incorrect.
The feeling is mutual.
I don’t know, is it? I don’t think that’s been defined yet.
America has always been, from what I know, the most comfortable and generally nicest to live in country of all since it’s birth. For poor and rich alike. The poor are the richest poor in the world, the rich the richest rich. So if lies are what caused that, hooray for lies.
Do you want regulated freedom, freedom that often controls behavior to a certain degree (i.e. it is an executable offense to murder another), hum, what could be the other freedom. The Third World dictatorships? China, Cuba, Venezuela?
We live in a society that allows us a vote, free speech, the right to bear arms, etc., most second and third world nations do not have this. Canada may be good for you, but some groups are still attempting to impose Sharia Law upon Canadian Muslims.