Laws That Don't Make Sense / Your Improvements

It was an unfortunate realization to come to when I saw how many laws the United States has that make no sense, and more depressingly, make no difference, or a negative difference.

For instance, the drinking age being 21. For instance, marijuana being illegal.

Just wondering what your pet peeves are with our laws, and your suggested improvements. Also wondering if somebody could educate me as to a defense of the two aforementioned laws?

If you want to understand the illegalization of marijuana, here is the bestest, shortest explanation I know of: … ics01.html

An excerpt:

"… Why was marijuana cracked down on? And why was it done so violently? Well … Ready?!

In 1936 Popular Mechanics magazine hailed the invention of a new machine to process hemp, predicting that marijuana/hemp would once again become the world’s largest cash crop. This did not at all sit well with people like Hearst Paper Manufacturing or Kimberly-Clark or other cutthroat multinationals who happen to have large timber holdings. It didn’t sit to well with tobacco barons for obvious reasons, and it sure as hell didn’t sit too well with old buddies DuPont. Hemp processing uses only one-fifth the chemicals need to process wood pulp, and DuPont had just patented a new wood pulp sulfide process, and DuPont’s patented plastic fibers had just passed up hemp as the No. 2 fiber, next to cotton, and they wanted to keep it that way!

And the last thing the big drug companies wanted was to lose their share of the ever lucrative disease industry market, to more affordable medicine made from marijuana or other natural ingredients because, check this out, you can’t own and make money off a patent for medicine in this country, unless the medicine has chemicals in it. If it’s all natural ingredients, you can’t patent it …"
