Legend of the seeker

I really like the potrayal of Darken Rahl (cutting people for pleasure.) They made him fairly calm/quirky, but wheres his magic? The character is defined as having unmatched skills in magic, which is so far only largely implied. anyone??

Read the series, the books put the show to shame. It is an awesome series. The characters on the show barely resemble the characters in the series.

When a book series is made into a TV serial you have to accept it for what it is. Overall they simply lifted the names and a few events and dropped it into a show. Very little follows the books, but the Denna episode was reasonably close. They screw up the Boxes of Orden and generally don’t follow the books very closely but I like the main three characters. Zed is appropriately goofy and irrascible, Richard is brave and charismatic and Khalan projects mystery and menace (and is suitably hot).

Sometimes I get exasperated by their departures from the established books but overall I find the program entertaining. One thing, though- Darken Rahl is horribly cast, IMO. The actor seems okay but he doesn’t look the part at all. And I agree, what’s with the lack of magic? He’s probably the most powerful wizard on the planet, or at least on the short list.

I have only watched a few, I guess I pictured the characters looking different except for Zed , he matches his character, but then he is a fine actor. I have always enjoyed his characters.

Rahl does not use that much magic??? Oh thats not right. I admit to being curious how they will handle Rahl’s use of boys.

I think Rahl is very well cast their choice for black hair and nonwhite clothes even. The character is fairly ‘pretty’ just I doubt he’d have 13 year old mustache.

Other than the lack of magic which is explainable by his love of cutting people (true to books) the character glares, licks fingertips and has a lot of well acted darken rahl quirks.

More magic/highlighting his mastery/intelligance!

I guess I will have to watch more of it. I just generally find that shows rarely if ever live up to the storylines in books.

It doesn’t but some of the moments which do are poignant. My main issue is the casting of Richard who doesn’t pull off much rage.

and the BS weak sword of truth. The other characters are okay.

What part of the book was the last show?