The old questions and philosophical dilemmas are all boring, and for noobs.
Let’s start creating new problems and mysteries. Put all the philosophy books down. Burn them all. We don’t need them anymore.
Let’s start a new chapter.
I’ll go first. When are we going to colonize the next solar system, 2500 or 3000? What is impossible? Why are politicians alive when they’ve never been necessary to begin with?
2). To consider that the questions already asked are… for noobs… is to demonstrate your own lack of understanding. As someone once said of String Theory ‘If you think you understand it then you clearly haven’t grasped the problem.’
3). You fail to consider that answers are processes and that retreading the path is not fruitless. Philosophy is not science. It doesn’t matter whether you think there is a definitive answer to the question ‘What is the purpose of life?’ (which is possibly the oldest question in Philosophy) Discovering the answer will never become less important.
I have a new question, well it’s not new but I didn’t like the answer I got the first time I asked it, so I’ll ask it again:
If absolute zero was achieved tomorrow, what would it mean to you?
How do animals think.
Do plants experience, if so what with.
Do black holes lead to the assholes of the universe, and hence is god full of shit.
Define ‘it’.
Can women think properly.
Solve over-population and hunger; eat the poor.
After all questions have been asked, what’s left.
There are no new questions. Just the SOS dressed up to look like a new question. On the other hand, every question must continually be answered again as that question never occurs in the same experience as before. One might ignore the question and look to the experience?