- The government levies heavy taxes.
- The government prints money whenever necessary to avoid deficit spending or borrowing.
- The government subsidizes things like factory construction and maintenance.
- The government determines what a farm will produce.
- The government determines the prices at which a farmer may sell what he produces (the prices are automatically set above what the market would otherwise dictate so farmers have a certain amount of guaranteed income).
- The government determines what goods and services businesses can produce, how much they will produce and the price at which the produced goods and services will be sold.
- The government, at the direction of business owners, determines the wages and salaries of all employees.
- The government provides health insurance, unemployment insurance, disability insurance and a retirement pension to employees.
- The government operates an organization that provides low-cost recreational and cultural activities- things like luxury cruise vacations for less than 2 weeks’ pay.
- The government conscripts labor for public works projects in order to relieve massive, chronic or long-term unemployment.
- Family farms may not be mortgaged or seized by creditors.
- Family farms may not be sold.
- Family farms must be inherited by the farmer’s oldest son or the nearest male relative and the heir is responsible for providing a living for the deceased farmer’s surviving spouse and minor children.
Business owners:
- All corporations worth less than $500,000 must be sold to a larger corporation or closed.
- No new corporation worth less than $2.8 million may be established.
- No more than 6% of a corporation’s profits may be distributed as dividends. The remaining 94% must be either re-invested in the corporation or be used to purchase government bonds (which the government is not obligated to ever pay back).
- Employers may demand greater output from employees without increasing wages or benefits.
- Large business must either form cartels or join already existing cartels pertaining to whatever industry the business is associated with.
- No business may fire an employee or lay off an employee without the government’s permission.
- Labor unions are illegal.
- Employees may not strike.
- No employee may leave his employer without the employer’s permission.
- An employee must pay anywhere from 15 to 35 per cent of his pay in taxes and charitable donations mandated by the government.