"Life After Death" Experience

As clear as I could remember after thinking about it.

For 1 dragging second before I passed out, my state of mind was “Am I alive or not (And when I woke up same feeling for 1 dragging second).” Then I had a dream my dead relative who anyone could love, was walking throughout a building. Maybe the bridge to heaven I don’t know. But she was looking for the white light, and at the end was at a door on the second level/building story. And before opening it, spillt her emotions, then before it opened I woke up. Then just today before I woke up, I had a dream where it was like normal dream, but covered by darkness. And I heard my own voice giving up my own emotional state on the “Life After Death” situation as a whole, to my dead relative. Then woke up with my emotions/soul/thinking completely opposite for a few minutes, then had a weird feeling a ghost was in the room and gave me back my old thinking.

People have reported the same kind of incident after expiriencing what’s called an alien abduction.

Trust me, there was no extraterrestial thing about it. Just a dream about my dead relative. Like watching a documentary video of this person. Except she/him never made a tape about looking for a white light.

I never said there was an extraterrestrial thing about your claim.

^^^What?? Not anything about what I defended myself against.

Were you in an accident? You mention passing out, but later it sounds a bit like you just dozed off. Not to make light of your post, I merely ask if it was a “near death experience” or some sort of lucid dream/vision.

It seemed like a Lucid Dream, but it was like I was having that other persons dream for them (The dead relatives, as if they were still alive, and we talked about our dreams). All I know when I woke up I felt emotionally tired a bit. Just I know, it wasn’t from any drug, since I spit my unnecessary medications out. That people assume I need, by listeninng to others, all be-it considered professionals, not my own voice giving opinions on the fact on hand. Makes you grateful, feeling your family turned their backs on you for a few months, or years (Grateful thinkers don’t bullsh*t when it comes to your point of views to others).

All I know, its just a funny feelling. That I give up my emotional state on the whole “Life After Death” situation, which I feel is better then most Archbishops have on it to a dead person. So that their thinking can live on, and eventually make a new body/spirit. Think about it. You enter this world physically (genes, DNA strands, sperm, egg, ect.), then getting your mental. And leave with your physical dying. “Opposites Attract,” to me, applys to me more then just relationships. As long as it could be completely sane to a non-bias person on this subject.

Yea I know. Simple, and right at the same time my stuff seems like. But at least I’m honest.

When I was very young, around 9-10 years old my grandmother died. We where quite close, and spent a lot of time together.

I have no real first hand memeory of this event any more, too much drugs and life under the bridge since then I supose, I do recall it but only in part.

I was told by my mother that I awoke in the night came into thier room complaining that “grandma” had woken me up. I can vaguely remember her standing over me, but saying nothing. The next morning we found out that she had passed in her sleep that same night, this was a day or 2 after she took a bad fall I think . Was it real or just the dream of a young man was was afraid for his grandma? I don`t even know if I knew when I went to sleep that she was injured. I do know my mother was quite disturbed by it, that much I do remember, she had a lot of questions.

Funny, I remember my mothers reaction better than the "ghost?'. I was still half asleep I guess though to at that point. To me at the time it did not seem a big deal I guess.

I was a real day dreamer as a child, I often had vivid dreams of flying around the niebourhood, while being terrified that I would just fall out of the sky at any time…lol. I think that meditaion is perhaps something that I just intuitively have done most of my life, I know that it certainly was not hard to learn once I started actively doing it.
As an adult I still am often am aware of my dreams, (as an observer not as a participant, watching them like a movie) quite often I sleep and watch the dreams while listening to myself snore loudly…I wonder how common is this sort of thing?

P.S. the dreams are not “lucid” I can`t control them much at all, if I try I “wake up”. Mostly they are just nonsense, but sometimes there is the feeling of something trying to “show” itself to me.

I had another just this morning trying to fall asleep at like 4:00 a.m. Ok not a dream, or ghost and stuff like that. But I was just laying in bed waiting to take a shower, ect. And then my heart stopped, along with my brain waves. Because I don’t even remember if I had my eyes closed before that moment, for a second or not even closed. Then it was like a nightmare about a loved one, my emotions dragged my thinking, after a complete blackout. And my thoughts was like, “Why was it like I thought something, but didn’t.”

It just occured to me, what does this thread have to do with the religion board of this forum? This thread should be in Psychology, unless there’s going to be a discussion about the epistemology on visions and dreams.

Life After Death has to do with the Christian Faith. If you read this and take it to heart. It might reinsure their ambitions to themselves, that when they die more then a memory will live on of you.

What about Islam? Not to mention most of your discussion has been about the interpretation of visions or dreams…something that belongs to the psychology board.

Was that supposed to be an insult? Just what are you saying? “When they die more then a memory will live on of you.” Just what does that mean exactly?

  1. This “Forum” is religion, and I’m Christian. If your Islam make a thread how you feel about it.

  2. Some Christians are still scared, theres no life after, and this is fact. Do you get assurance from facts??

I am not a Muslim. If I were, I would be fervently bashing you with the Qu’ran about your false religion and how it’s wrong and Islam is the truth and so forth…

Are you one of these scared Xtians? It’s okay to admit it, we understand that you’re going through a hard time right now.

Facts? What did I tell you about facts…? Have you forgotten Nietzsche already?

Sagesound from this ^^^you always sound like a scared fugitive, always out to get at someone, trying to dis-credit them. Are you popular at your school/work??

I have a life after death experience to share:

I worked off of the coast of Catalina as a dive-instructor for teenagers who were going through a particular program up until a year-ago. I also studied the estuaries around the Caribbean at the time.

We were at a dive site northwest of the coast of the Bahamas, where my dive partner from South Africa and I were looking around to ensure the general safety of the area.

We were down there for roughly fifteen minutes before an abrupt explosion from underneath a series of rocks. The hard stone knocked me on my head, others turning me upside down and all other fashion of directions.

With no where to reference up with, I found my tank had been ruptured and air was leaking out of the main valve through which the pressure was assigned. To make a long story short, I nearly drowned.

My South African partner had pulled me to surface while I was half-way unconscious. The problem with diving, though, is that if you rise to swiftly you’ll die. So he had to take it slowly. The last thing I can remember clearly is an EMT hurrying me into the hospital. I blacked out and began to dream.

I will tell you why this dream should have never occurred later. I was on a train that ran-round an infinitely tall hill. There were others on that train, but they all look liked ghosts–transparent. They had whole bodies but still didn’t seem as though they were ever real people, if you catch my drift.

Each minded his or her own business, as if nothing was of their concern anymore. And that suited me just fine because nothing seemed to concern me anymore, either.

Long story short, I woke up from that strange dream and found myself in a gospital bed with an middle-aged doctor with already greying hair huddled over me. He looked rather surprised at my recovery and stared at each at an older nurse for a few seconds. They informed me that I had been brain dead for several minutes and technically should not be alive.

Can’t dream if you’re brain dead…

Even if I was a scared fugitive, how does being one correlate with being a person out to get someone and dis-credit them? What I find amusing is that you make this claim without any proof…

Yes I am actually. Indeed I am quite the social bug. I could even say that I am popular around this forum too, but I’m to humble to make a claim like that. The question I have for you though is: are you popular at your school and/or work? Even better, do you have a girlfriend? I am predicting that you will either not answer these questions and continue responding in a demeaning manner, or try to play it off saying yes to both.