Life is blasphemy.

I like that song.

The devil is gone folks.

He had the same power I had.

Except …. I don’t have a personality disorder

Is a diagnosis, or diagnosing, important to you?

There are classifications that are meaningful.

Anyone who says “I’m going to kill myself if you don’t do xyz is a borderline.”

That’s the easiest way to spot them.

The devil had no interest in suicide. His was more subtle, he’d cancel you if you even looked at him wrong.

Borderline is called the walking on eggshells disorder.

hm. That brought back a very bad memory.


We’re all cracked to varying degrees. The beauty is when you find folks who don’t exploit that, but fill in each other’ cracks.

Because we all have strengths, too.

God-given. Some just take practice.

Like exercise.

And sobriety … of mind (with or without substances).

I really wish the topic title was visible in the window where I am writing my reply. Just saying.

People misunderstand me a lot of times.

Ghandi was a real misogynist.

He also had borderline traits.

Having had experience with doing all the jobs before …. You need to protect and teach.

That’s the only way to get out.

Oh but you’re talking about people who hold onto their karma (thinking they do or don’t deserve whatever) rather than letting it go under the grace paradigm.

You think the only reason people do things is to earn the reward or avoid the punishment.

That is just a tutor to sort of ignite, kind of like spark plugs.

But once you tap in to the eternal perpetual motion machine (Infinite Well) … you don’t need all that.

That’s why Jesus said he had food to eat that they didn’t know about. And also referred to himself as the bread (manna) of life. Etc.

But dude also ate fish even after he resurrected, so …that doesn’t mean that we just …abstain. He’s gonna be back when the time is right.