
The following record is dated recently, but left anonymously, purposefully. It is also something that I actually took the time to write at a very peculiar moment in my life. This peculiar moment is one that I believe to be the moment that I’ve become the greatest philosopher that ever lived. Not because I think that I am better than those before me, but because I respect them and have learned what they have taught - added onto my already gathered experience in life. But I do not waste my time with thinking about why I exist, although I have spent much already. I spend my time thinking about the purpose of life. And what every man or womans goal is. I leave the following only to share with you a moment of my thought.

Here I sit, within my body, just thinking. Because no matter what – throughout the whole course of your life, you will think, and keep thinking. The voice inside of your head will always be giving you advice, teasing you, complementing you, and even most of the times your best friend. But then again, maybe that’s just me. I am writing this because I’ve stumbled upon a most valuable thought that may vanish if I do not somehow bottle it. I’ve thought about life, and the point of it and all sorts of meaningless drivel. However, one thing persists to beg my attention. Life. It is as if everything is in front of me and I sit here day after day wasting my life doing what??? Trading my life away for money and stress. Trading hours for dollars, or at least that is what most people spend doing their whole lives. Think about life, in general, and what makes it work. If you look at a leaf for example, we see them day after day but!!! What do we know about the leaf, although we’ve seen it day after day, year after year – what do we know ? ? some of us spend our lives devoted towards learning things of that nature… but what about everything?! What about everything – what makes everything work – and what it is composed of and why some chemicals react certain ways with others… why certain things in nature always seem to want to do only one thing… survive. So the whole point to life of course of to pass down life, or another words, continue it. But naturally, what if you were the type of person who learned everything about a simple leaf, or a root, or lets just say every leaf and every root and every element the earth has to offer, what their nature is, and what is the nature of the earth itself. You would then be the type of person who knows a lot, not only in our world as the modernists, but as a human… an animal… that has evolved into something that can think… who has then somehow evolved into something that knows something about everything… you then become the type of person that can change tomorrow with the simple concept of nothing made up of absolutely everything… You then would become
All knowing.

With all of that aside, I hope this has been entertaining for you, but understand that what you have just read is the record of the voice that sits inside of my head talking to me, giving me advice, day after day, just discussing philosophy with me. These are the thoughts of my mind.