Hey guys, these thoughts have been really plaguing me for a long time… What would you answer if you were asked “Is life meaningful?” or “What makes your life worth living?”
From an open-minded view, I’d tell them that the purpose of life is to find the purpose of life, whatever that may be.
From my close-minded perspective relative to my religion, I’d tell them that this is a holy experience meant to be taken at it’s fullest. To live, seek, and learn.
Jesus said - “The work God requires is to believe in the one he has sent” (John 6:28 )
That’s it, the whole purpose of our lives.
We evolved from amoebas all the way up through monkeys etc, and now we stand ready to take the last step where physical evolution leaves off, to take that final step into SPIRITUAL evolution by accepting Jesus as the Son of God.
Life is therefore a test, some will flunk and some won’t…
The choice is therefore ours, to become enlightened spiritual beings or to stay in the farmyard like animals - “These men blaspheme in matters they do not understand. They are like brute beasts, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed…” (2 Peter 2:12)
Is life meaningful? What is meaning? Meaning has to do with where an icon fits into its semantic structure. You can’t talk about what something means if you’re going to talk about what it doesn’t mean; which is to say, you have to talk about the truth of its meaning; truth and meaning are directly related. If meaning moves from truth it is pushed back to beauty by justice.
What makes life worth living? Meaning; the articulation of truth.
Well I don’t think he was wanting a deep phiosophical explanation for meaning…I think he was just asking for our ‘opinions’ since he asked what makes like meaningful to ‘you’.
Think again mate, looks like you’ve got it made
“Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love…” (Ecc 9:9)
“Children are a heritage of the Lord,and the fruit of the womb is his reward” (Psalm 127:3)
“Eat, O friends, and drink; drink your fill” (Song of Solomon 5:1)
You like wine? No problemo, Jesus said “I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father’s kingdom.” (Matt 26:29)
Yes your opinion is your opinion but you didn’t answer the question unless picking at the word meaningful is what makes like meaningful to you? Does it?
It seems to me that, if you are given to meditations generally, what makes you you is your ‘philosopher’s stone,’ so to speak. I think of it as a kernel at the center of one’s being from which the self might honestly grow. It seems to me, further, that at this center sits a relationship between certain core notions (or not, if you’re into that.) What presents naturally to me are the notions of Truth, Beauty, Meaning, and Justice; actually, i think i’ve got T, B, and J transending into M. Ultimately i see a nested transendance, where the ‘new’ M is born in a flash and finds a place in the ‘new’ TBJ. So, yeah.
Well there’s nothing that says you can’t believe what you want. However, you’re just making it more complicated than it has to be. If what you say is true than you find meaning in Truth, Beauty and Justice? Would have been easier just to say that in the first place. But I personally don’t think that’s what you meant in the first place, you’re just looking for an escape through your mistake. That’s the most bizzare thing I’ve ever heard and I think your caught up in your own personal logical excuses.
I don’t know why I bother wasting my time. Your mistake is that you didn’t answer the question, you picked at it.
Ok well to make it easier on yourself, you could have just said. “I believe meaning is place of movement through nested structures.” Would have worked just fine.
Substantial? Correcting you for misspelling isn’t substantial? Man I feel sorry for your english teacher.