my friends never call me
I call them
p. never phoned me to his party
And pretend to forget
c. always, always plays at lying
he pretends to always be stupid
so no one could blame him
f. rubbed against me
and called me a girl
cause I didn’t mind
s. wanted to hit me
for not being as smart
as he was and annoying him
j. would round everyone up
and whisper secrets about me
that might have been true
but made me sad
v. hit me and said I was sick
and said nasty, nasty things
that would have made old people
w. told everyone I cried at
night because I missed
people I had only known
for a few days on holiday
g. played music but he
would never ask me to play
but would always talk about it
with me
d. kissed me and I blushed
and ran away and said she was
a lair
r. wrote me a love letter
when I was five or younger
and I hid it and then tore it up
later in front of her
and now I feel bad forever
y. thought I was a liar
for always wanting to invent
things out of word or
make fire
e. stripped off his clothes
and so did I and he
laughed and said he
was only joking
q. bought me a beer
and I drank one sip and
ran away and never spoke to
him again
my mum and dad say
I am an angel
and a genius
and that’s final
I don’t like people anyway…
no that’s a lie actually…
I do, I do, I REALLY do
I need people…I am sad
when alone, at night, and
when the house is totally quiet
and no one is out to play
I like people.
I need people.
I love and need them all.