Loaded Pockets

Anybody here have pocketitis? I tend to carry a lot in my pockets. I just unloaded them, and I had three Bic’s, my single AA cell flashlight - Gerber, and one of my favorites - a Leatherman Juice (C2), a single-blade pocket knife, keychain (just keys), a pair of glasses (just mags), cell phone, cigarettes, a bit of change, and a pen. All but the last two, I leave the house with every day.

Does this seem like a lot? I just can’t seem to get by with much less. I lose lighters at work, if I leave them unguarded (for a fuckin’ minute), so I bring at least two.

Any kindred spirits?

It seems a little much, at least compared to what I carry in my pockets.

Left Hip Pocket-Wallet
Right Hip Pocket-Keys, Cigarettes, Lighter.
Right Back Pocket-Cell Phone
Shirt Pocket-Cash Register and Safe Key (Work Only)

I may just be a pocket minimalist, though, who knows?

i suffer from a similar ailment, and since it’s cold now and i wear my pocket strewn jacket, it’s gotten bad…

let see, todays load: keys, lighter, cigarettes, 2 joints, several bills and loose change, gum, a herb grinder, a cuban cigar, stick-it notes, green tea, a coffe mug, my ipod, my trusty pen, and last but not least, an undisclosed amount of pot.

Some of my semi regular carry ons are any number of knives, any number of pipes, and if i absolutely need it, my wallet. I am notoriously bad for losing important things.

I think i’m gonna try shock treatment or something…

I’ve got it, but I also tend to wear those queer pants. You know the type, those euro-trash jeans. Don’t pretend you don’t know what I mean.

So for me, hardcore pockititis, so bad it makes me look like I’m wearing Jockey pants is:

  1. My wallet
  2. My keys
  3. Change (bills)
  4. Change (coins)
  5. The occasional receipt.

Am I right ladies? I’m here all week . . .

wallet, smith 'n wesson pocket knife, cell, cigg pack, lighter, couple of pens, keys.

wallet, keys, knife, pistol, weed, cash (seperate from the wallet), ciggs, and a lighter.

Leather key-holder, purse, mobile - I can’t deal with having any more than that in my pockets…


I don’t have pocketitis, but I had a friend who suffered from it severely.

When he set up camp at my house, it’d take him a minimum of 30 seconds to unload everything out of his pocket. He, too, was notorious for misplacing things.

Sadly I’m a little big boneded, so anything in my pocket sticks out in 3D like one of those blunted nail beds that you mold by pressing your hand or face on.

I thought they screened for that when you got a mammogram done…

pink ribbons and everything…


I’m recovered. In high school, I would carry a wallet, at least four pens, at least one (usually more) lighter, a set of chopsticks in a fancy case, a Victorinox Swiss Army knife, and a “Fat Lil’” notebook (3.5’ x 5.5’ x ~1’).
In college, I pared down to nothing: I only carried my ID, which served as my key and my wallet.
Now, I’m about half way: Cell phone, wallet (which is slim, non-folding, only has a few cards in it, and has an index-card slot on the outside), a pen, and my keys (I have my keys setup so I can easily remove the ones I don’t need to get into my apartment, which I do when I’m not going to work).

I want to carry more, because I’d like to have more stuff with me, especially a pocket knife or multi-tool. I’m always looking for a handy carrying case to expand my cargo capacity, but they’re all sort of cumbersome. I think the closest I’ve found to ideal is actually the fanny-pack. And fanny-packs are never ideal.

My general impression thus far is that WAYYYY too many of you are smoking. Hello? Have you seen the stats?

Another general impression is that some appear to have attachments to relatively useless objects, or at least objects that don’t require carrying around 24/7. But then, they may already know this and figure there’s a lot bigger things to deal with in life. I can go with that.

A specific impression is that Smears may be headed down the same path as that football player who recently shot himself whilst dancing.

I loathe fanny packs. I do carry a laptop case to work, sometimes. But it rarely holds a computer. Usually it contains a larger flashlight, a bag of weed, pens that I am ferrying back to work, a spare mouse (those disappear at work, too), and maybe a camera, with attendant accessories.

I used to carry a larger Leatherman on my belt, but people tended to assume that it was a knife, which, even in Maine, frightened some. My small pocket sized LM is mostly for cleaning my fingernails and for the corkscrew (a difficult item to improvise).

I am fortunate that I can park my car just outside the door at work - with what I have in there, I can survive a minor apocalypse.

Ingenium - speaking only for myself - I use the stuff I carry at least weekly, if not daily. While knives are readily available at work, a one-hand opening folder is very convenient. The other day, a patron was having trouble with a jacket zipper, the tag of which was missing. he was grateful that I had a set of small needlenose pliers with me.

And yeah - I smoke, drink, spit, swear and scratch my balls (when I can get away with it).

What does everyone have against being armed? If I didn’t have a gun I don’t know how many times I would have been robbed. And I don’t dance, so I think I’m safe.

Wallet, Keys, phone, mp3, headphones (assuming I’m not using them), some loose change, lighter (I don’t smoke), chewing gum, pen, rail card.

I’ve got better with time. At school I carried waaaaay more in my pockets… the Scientific calculator didn’t help.

I only carry a lot of crap in the winter; I don’t mind having my coat pockets loaded down but I’m pathologically averse to carrying stuff in my pants pockes. I can tolerate a wallet, a set of keys and my cell phone, that’s about it. Occasionally I’ll have a small one-hand-opening folder by SOG or Kershaw in my back pocket. My jacket, on the other hand, will often contain a SureFire TAC light or other small flashlight.

It’s not completely unheard of for me to be carrying a handgun, or at least I used to at times in the past (I haven’t in years although I might again if circumstances warrant it). In that case I’ll usually have a couple spare mag, too. In that case I’ll typically wear either a Galco Gunrunner or a Miami Classic.

FYI, my state has a “shall issue” law- if you’re not a felon, loony, drug addict, etc the county must issue you a CCW.

The Contents of My Wallet:

$274.34 (Two 100’s, One 50, One 20, Four 1’s, quarter, nickel, four pennies)
One blank personal check
One blank business check
$20 Wal-Mart Gift Card (I keep forgetting to use it)
6 Business Cards for the hotel
American Red Cross Blood Donor Card
Picture of my wife and I
Birth picture of my son
Another picture of my son
3 Library Cards
Movie Rental Card
Credit Card
Driver’s License