Loads of lurkers out there!

Did you know that over 43% of all members have never posted anything?

And most of the rest have never posted anything interesting. :evilfun:

Good one.

The name Jeep came from the abbreviation used in the army for the “General Purpose” vehicle or G.P. Interesting? I thought so.

(Phew! I’m no longer in the “most of them haven’t posted anything interesting” group.)


I have been accused of having
one thousand nine hundred and sixty two posts of
nothing interesting and I guess this is just one more
such post.


Your cartoons are interesting enough to let you off the hook! :sunglasses:

I don’t do ‘cartoons’ Phaedrus. Cartoons are for common people and children (of common people); illustrations are for the intellectually sophisticated.

You must be thinking of someone else. :wink:


Oh, I forgot. :blush: When you draw an illustration you must hold your pinky out! :stuck_out_tongue:


(This looks like a new record for getting off track in the quickest time possible)



Sorry, but I’m the current record holder. In fact no one will ever beat it, they could only tie. I started a thread that went off track in the very first response.

It must be something about the way I write or maybe I wear the wrong deoderant… :confused:

Maybe the following paraphrase of Heidegger can console you:

“The uninterestingness of what is uninteresting is itself not something uninteresting.”

sounds like a good strategery to me…


I prefer not to think of them as lurkers, but as “the audience”.


How did you come up with that figure?

I thought it might be a higher number.

EDIT: Nevermind. I figured it out.

(number of registered members who have not posted)/(total number of members)=2512/5798=.4332…

I hadn’t noticed the sort function before, which is why I asked.

Then on top of that, there is another majority of readers who are not registered as members.

I am lurker on a “survival” website. When the shit hits the fan, those who are identifiable as having certain “resources” will become targets. So I keep it on the downlow. You never know who is a spy for “them”. And we all know who “them” are.

Could be that there are only a few lurkers here, but that they are cybershapeshifters. Heck, I could be a large, caucasian gecko, for all you know.

After I started the first fourty-six vanguard training centers over the internet, my Russian superiors ordered me to begin the double-switcharoo, which is kinda like that scene in The Princesses Bride with Wesly and the Sicilian.

So you don’t really have to keep it on the down-low, indeed, how could you if you if you had to be believed by possible recruits, but at the same time being monitored by the FBI. You just need to know how to confuse the watchers, not the neutral audience.

There’s a three part course to learning these techniques and I could put you through it if my superiors approve.

Oh, well, Osama just arrived and I promised him lunch earlier, so I gotta go.

I thought he was dead. Must have been thinking of Snake Pliskin. Which I do, from time to time.

I noticed that you didn’t ask me if I was FBI. So I don’t have to tell you.

That was well played.

[detrop asks faust for a cigarette and a light]