Logical puzzle

It seems my logical skills are in need of some serious refinement, for I find this difficult. What am I missing? Any help is greatly appreciated. All I can come up with is 3, for the reasoning that the only two outcomes would be either two blue/one red or vise-versa. Then, no blue could possibly be pulled from the red bag and vise-versa. The red bag is either labeled “blue” or “mixed” and the blue is either labeled “red” or “mixed”, while the mixed bag is labeled “red” or “blue”…but then I freeze up like the Tin man when he isn’t properly oiled. I can no longer hack my way through the cognitive woods in order to do anything with these facts, which leaves me lamenting like the scarecrow. Might someone be so kind as to oil me?

LOGIC PROBLEM: You have three bags of marbles on a high shelf. The bags are in your reach but you cannot see the contents of any bag. You cannot take the bags down from the shelf or climb up to look into the bags to see what is inside. You don’t need to look into the bags because the following facts are stipulated (assumed to be true). Using these stipulated facts and these facts alone you can DEDUCE the correct answer

  1. One bag contains all blue marbles, one bag contains all red marbles and one bag contains a mix of blue and red marbles.

  2. Each bag is labeled INCORRECTLY!

Given these facts alone, you must determine the actual content of each bag by taking samples from the bags on the shelf. The only way you are permitted to take a sample is to reach into ONE bag and remove ONE marble per sample. What is the least number of samples you need to take in order to determine the factually true content of each bag? why?

You would have to draw from each of the bags until you found one bag that gave away two different types of marbles. The number of times you would have to test depends on the number of marbles in the bags, but there is no technical “right” answer to the question.

3 marbles is the minimum asumming that the first bag you pick is the mixed bag and out of that bag you pick one red then one blue (or visa versa) and then you take anothe bag and then pick a marble to determine tha colour of the marbles in that bag and than you can safely assume the colours in the remaining bag.

It’s not asking the question you think it is; it’s asking what the minimum number of marbles you need to take out to determine the contents of the bag is. There is no right answer when you don’t have any knowledge of how many marbles there are inside the bags. See what I said above.

I suppose if its the quantity your after then its however many there are in each bag.

Which it doesn’t give. It’s a trick question.

So I cleared this matter up: my professor wants to know the least number of samples needed to determine which bag is the red bag, which is the blue bag, and which is the mixed bag.

What are you studying?

Critical Thinking

Wow. They have that as a class? Huh. Interesting.

Anyway, it seems that it depends on the number of marbles, and here is why: you could draw ten marbles from each of the bags and just be unlucky and end up with either ten reds and twenty blues, or ten blues and twenty reds. If there are twenty marbles in each bag, and in the mixed bag there are ten of each, then you might have to take of twenty two marbles: 11 from one bag to see if it’s mixed, and 11 from another to see if that’s mixed. That’s the minimum you would have to take to be completely sure.

But you don’t know whether or not that’s the actual amount that you would have to take because you don’t know how many there are per bag.

You only need to take one marble from the bag that is labelled mixed. If it is red, then all the marbles in that bag must be red, and the other two bags must be blue and mixed. The blue bag will be labelled red and the mixed bag will be labelled blue.

Hey, you’re right. I forgot about the labels.

all you need to ask yourself is what is truth

thats untrue-labled incorrectly


therefore is-true

so on so

one marble-new lable

its the assumptions that are in question not the marbles contained within all of them- therefore be before

recreate after

one draw

untrue-not true





true-new lable
one marble

untrue-not true





true-new lable
one marble

[be true-cool-kool]


untrue-not true





true-new lable
one marble

[be true-cool-kool][thats to assume there’s more than one marble]

new axiom

one marble may not be spread across all three bags

existence of more than one marble is falseafiable

red is blue-blue is red-there is no bag

question-what is color

may not be proven through first two axioms

new axiom- more than one color exist

there are three bags

-labled blue-red true

-labled red-blue true

-[not labled-what is color]

one marble-no color-not in a bag

proof:no draws-all bags are labled incorrectly-true

the marble is in your hand

assume the marble is not in your hand

nothing exist.yet you exist

where is the marble-where is time


the marble is not in your hand-in what space


who is you and me?

you asked ther question, not me

I have the marble.

stop looking for it

I don’t have the time.

no one does,we all just exist

yet who has the marble

who me

where’s the bag-In your hand-you asked the question

you watch the marble I’ll watch the bag

where’s time

I don’t know where looking at differn’t things

I thought we were both looking at marbles in a bag

[guess not]-where the time?

[i guess] its not there

where? in the marble
there is no marble i guess

guess not?!by mistake i plan
I guess

why me


what hand is the marble in

not mine

who you
no not me

what you say

forget about the marble



oh wait now where talkin time

wait what

you talkning to me

no fool

I do’nt pitty a fool


what’s wrong


I hate people with no sence of humor.

talk to a philosophy teacher he’ll tell you

don’t ask me a dropped out of shool

stop numbering, you can’t count what you don’t know axiom 2

as for that peace.

fuck marbles

get it

you can have the marble

and i’m a virgin, what do I know?

oh yeah

seriously no period no matter

can you handle a joke

it’s better than you think

can you lay down the knowledge?

heres the marble

she can handle

I hate people with no sence of humor.

talk to a philosophy teacher he’ll tell you

don’t ask me a dropped out of shool

stop numbering, you can’t count what you don’t know axiom 2

as for that peace.

fuck marbles

get it

you can have the marble

and i’m a virgin, what do I know?

oh yeah

seriously no period no matter

can you handle a joke

it’s better than you think

can you lay down the knowledge?

heres the marble

she can handle it

[girl whats your number]

how many tries.

girl whos you playin with

walk it up

is that how you take test,with an eraser

who me

ain’t nothin pretty,for picture
