lose the intellegence

is there anyway to lose intelligence i have an iq of 289 and i wish for it to go away i cant stand having the stress of knowledge i know i sound ungrateful but for me ignorance would be bliss

Just ask Bob and guys like him for replies of your posts.

quit bragging and bash your head with a hammer.

id actually prefer drugs, gallons and gallons of acid. chug it!

The body has a natural mechanism whose catalyst is less. If you do less, your brain will be less stimulated, and therefore tends to forget. A crease for everything your brain remembers is folded into the tissue of your brain, these folds become weaker with time, but without practice and continued stimulation these folds will weaken faster than nature intended.

Sphinxbehemoth said:

Ummmmm, what the hell kind of Intelligence test were you taking?? Someone lied to you buddy, your not as smart as you think you are, and if you were, then you would already have the answer to your question.


completely agreed!

ok i need to know where you took a true IQ test that does not trick you out so to speak. Also Im a 13 year old with a 113 (not clear yet) IQ but people say Im very bright. why is that?

future man, one drop of acid can change your whole life, one shot glass can ruin your life, as proved by the original guitarist of Pink Floyd, but gallons would kill your brain functions completly and you’d die!!!

nah i drank a gallon yesterday mr rainbow monster. it tasted like stricknine, just like real acid.

:slight_smile: Sorry! Had to delete my post!

Have you ever tried drinking beer?

How is it that retards figure out how to lower their intelligence but you seem to miss it still?

I have an IQ of 320, or was it 230 I’m so smart I can’t keep track of this kind of stuff. Maby it was only 23.

That must’ve been some wicked ill iq test you took, SphinxB

The trick with acid is knowing your own limits, and having a positive mindset or a guide or something. Or so i’m told.
