so they all got together and voted it out,
almost unanimous, leaving really no doubt.
all in all, a quite unbelievable coup
to oust from the spectrum the color of blue.
it wasn’t that easy and it wasn’t that quick,
stripping color from sea is a difficult trick,
and the sky fought to the end the inevitable taking
of cerulean tints that left its heart aching and breaking.
but the will of the many must be quite respected,
and pleas from the out-of-step few quite rejected.
and so when the vote count was finally done,
all colors of the rainbow remained except one.
and with it of course went an army of hues,
indigo, sapphire, the rest of the blues,
azure and navy, all the light and dark tinges,
blues from the middle, blues from out on the fringes.
do you miss it a little, the color of blue?
it’s hard to remember, but i think that i do,
and it’s inescapable now, from what i have seen,
the next step is certain: they’re coming for green!