I love this show, i think its brilliant. The story line is amazing. I find the show gave me an idea. Is what the “others” are doing so bad? THe entire show your lead to believe that they are bad people. But maybe its the idea of escaping society. I wouldnt mind that myslef.
SO you have to ask yourslef. If you were on the same island off the show LOST. Would you stay on the island or want to leave?
The show is very good. It makes wonderful comments about society’s politics and religious beliefs. If I was there I would stay. But, I would stay in the others complex. Just for the amenities not because I agree with them. Personally I think they represent a benevolent dictator situation, which could be taken as the forming US Gov’t. It has many different aspects, it is a bit more complex than just a mere soap. The island is as much a character as any of the humans which makes it different. I am not sure how to describe it, I can only use the word different.
The show is very deep, way more than meets the eye. I love how they make a situation that could never make sense, and your just like “how are they going to explain this?”, and they do. They always have a scientific explination. Its not a “dressed up soap” at all. I think this show holds alot of value and meaning, i think it has an underlining message, there talking about how humans act in society. But then agian i dont really know the show is very confusing and i never know whats going to happen next.
Honestly its the best thing every, not know whats going to happen next, there is hardly any orignallity left in this world, and this show has originallity all over it.
Trust me i am very critical of my shows and movies, VERY. This show is hands down the “shit”. Amazing show, season 1-3. I wish i could forget it all just so i could watch it agian .
I like the fact that they have wrote so many characters in and the possibility of more. That was brilliant to do that in the beginning. You don’t know exactly how many people are there or if there are more hidden. Like the ladies in the under water station that was supposed to be shut down. Ben is an enigma is he not? I wonder just how much of his story they will put out.
This show would have made an awesome series of books to read.
I’ve only seen a couple of episodes but the show struck me as being highly unoriginal (people stuck on island working out puzzles), based largely on Lord of the Flies (which even the Simpsons have done a pastiche of, in fact, they did two) and utterly lacking in entertainment. Where are the jokes? Where are the witty observations on contemporary life? It’s not a soap, that’s true. It’s a dramatised reality TV show.
Yes it would seem that way if you have only seen a couple. the people are not solving puzzles. It may be a sophisticated Lord of the Flies but, it is like Desolate said its more about how humans act and react. The actors and the island represent the magnitude of differences in the world. The Darma inititive might represent God.
Only one problem with the show.
Hey Desolate, Why is Hurley still fat? I am afraid that weights of the actors might create crediblity problems. Sort of like the all the Star Trek series. In those the actors all started off looking like starving actors and then they started gaining weight. Not logical
No, I have read and reread Lord of the Flies, you may have meant that it is unsophisticated but, from my perspective if there were to be a comparision it would be sophisticated. I have watched the series from the beginning.
All books and movies play off past writings and stories. All can be compared to something from the past to one extent or another. This does not detract from the value produced in the new. There are limited scenarios of life anyway.
What is irksome is when Whoreywood feels the need to have three different movies come out that are so similar that it is utterly ridiculous. You get the first one out then 2 or three rip offs closely follow from other studios. Example from within the past 2 yrs: Cave, Cavern, Descent. All dealing with creepy things in caves. Yea real imagination there. They need to beat some writers and producers over their heads.
i dont know, i think it should of been in his contract to get thinner. Its only reasonable. But then agian did anyone ever find that stash he had one episode? i dont remember. but i think there was junk food stashed. So he might still be pigging out.
How about the polar bear? Darma brought that you think? think it was kept in one of the cages freckles and Sawyer stayed in.
DIdnt the guy with the patch Die? he got pushed into the fence. And the indian dude, he hasnt aged a bit. He is the same age when he met Ben. But ben has to be like 35-40. So you dont age or what? or only if your born on the island. Maybe thats why the moms always die, because they give there life to the child. Making the child speciel somehow.
I dont know i could give a list of questions. Like when is the next season comming out? and did kate look good in the future or what? jacks crazy.
The island I think affects age and life forces. I think the mothers die because the island may be taking their life force through the birth or transfering it perhaps to the child. Yea, the patch dude got fried.
Darma did bring the polar bears but, they escaped or so it is supposed they escaped. They left that question hanging mysteriously. I think the bears gained intelligence.
Remember Jack’s father’s body was on the plane in a coffin but, he saw his Dad alive. Yea I think Jack is losing it.
I think the island sits on a cusp or is in an area where dimensions come together, maybe? Thus the resetting of the computer. Sort of a pressure cooker theory ?
Ben is like a Ceasar. I think Ben was probably the first to be born on that island. And now controls everyone and everything. He is a genius. But with genius come insanity most often.
Its his world and noone elses. He uses the people for his own needs. I think we will find out that Ben and the Island are the Big Brothers of all big brothers. The island is being built into an entity remember that.
The survivors of the plane crash are like the usurping peasants creating a coup. Jack maybe the island’s choice for Ben’s opponent or perhaps the other guy the one that was crippled and now walks. But, then again the plane was not supposed to crash it happened because that one guy failed to punch numbers in. Remember he could not escape the island even in a seaworthy boat. Interesting eh? Yes, the island is becoming its own character.