I’m new to the forum, nice to meet you etc., i’m a little lost at the moment with regards to this project i’m doing and i need a little boost if that’s possible.
Basically i’m concentrating on the concept of ‘Love’ and how it seems to play such a prevalent and pivotal role within society, in films and television and to a large extent out lives it seems an almost necessity to search and aquire ‘Love’. What philosophers, other than Plato, would help me to understand teh origin and the development of Love throughout philosophical history. I can’t think of any contemporary philosophers that have had a view to explaining or discussing ‘Love’.
Nietzsche talks of one of woman’s errors: that she likes to believe that everything can be solved by love (ie, he suggests that love cannot solve everything.) Can’t remember where he says it though… Sauwellios?
It appears that you are asking about “love” in a general way. What is love to you? Romantic love? Love of aesthetics? Physical “love” which leads to spiritual “loving feelings”?
Perhaps you’re asking what motivates one to “love”?
Oh and most philosophers of this day and age abhor this question without any specific context and or question because love is just a designated term we use to describe many things we “love” in various of degrees and ways that aren’t necessarily related to one another.
Personally i’d take in account the biological feelings associated with “Love” as well as “drive” or perhaps an angle that denies all that has been explained and simply a mysterious motivational force that can never be explained or an insufficient definition that may lead to a definitive one.
I’d search google and of course read books on the subject for your project.
It appears
that you
are asking about “love”
in a general way.
What is love to you?
Romantic love?
Love of aesthetics?
Physical “love”
which leads to spiritual “loving feelings”?
you’re asking
what motivates one
to “love”?
and most philosophers
of this day and age
abhor this question
without any specific context
and or question
love is just
a designated term we use
to describe many things we “love”
in various of degrees
and ways that aren’t necessarily
one another.
i’d take in account
the biological feelings
associated with “Love”
as well as “drive”
or perhaps an angle
that denies all
that has been explained
and simply
a mysterious motivational force
that can never be explained
or an insufficient definition
that may lead to
a definitive one.
I’d search google
and of course
read books on the subject
for your project.