Love doesn't happen by chance or does it?

Every - every - every person lives in a bubble of belief that is never - never - never 100% real - often not even 10% real. Life lives in a dream blind to reality chasing a fantasy - everyone - everyone - everyone.

From what I have seen of your posts concerning math and physics - you should realize how much that applies to you.

If everyone must live in fantasy - a fantasy of love seems far more sensible.

Urwrong. wrote


obsrvr524 wrote:

Why would you presume that every person has this belief.

People who struggle to survive do not have the luxury of such folly.

Urwrong wrote:

Well actually, you didn’t.

I specifically highlighted the three words I needed clarification on.

Man’s soul immortal

What is Man’s soul immortal?

I don’t think you understood what I said - there wasn’t any “that belief”. :confused:

What I am saying is that everyone has their own “bubble of belief” - where they maintain a limited - and always false - belief in what is real - everyone forms their own - and they defend it - sometimes to ridiculous extremes.

But because of that unavoidable situation - it makes sense (to me at least) that people allow Love to be a big part of their bubble - whether it is real or not - And the reason for that is very rational.

Man’s “soul immortal” is whatever it is that Man essentially does (the “soul”) perpetually ("immortal). And that seems to be to attempt to control his environment (which is his God) and thus become God (a pointlessly suicidal goal).

obsrvr524 wrote:

Let me rephrase it then

Why would you presume/assume that every person has this bubble of belief.

The Way We have Always Done It? Is this your source?

“Bubbles of belief exist in every corner of our lived experience. They are shared maps that groups use to navigate relationships in the reality they co-create.
Unfortunately, they are maps that occasionally lead us over a cliff too”.

Firstly, I can understand your firm belief in what you have read, it says a great deal about who you are.
Well that’s OK, but

I think after reading articles on this “bubble of belief” one example below:

“How do you feel when you start a new position with a new team?
For me, it has always been a mix of excitement and awkwardness. Mostly awkwardness. Because I don’t know the unwritten rules of the place and I don’t
want to make an embarrassing faux pas on my first few days.”

To explain this, Gray ( I presume) the author would say the team I am joining has a shared set of beliefs they use to navigate their work relationships called the bubble of belief.

Frankly I can’t relate to any of this and the word “team” is abhorrent to me.

It appears to be “safety in numbers”, which to some of us has no attraction whatsoever.

To me this smacks of a Tony Robbins Self Help.

Perhaps if One makes One’s-self ‘easier to love’, love will become easier to happen, and it will follow or find us wherever we go… I don’t quote the bible, but in your case…

Preface… to the Eucharistic Prayer

  • Priest: Lift up your hearts.
  • People: We lift them up to the Lord.

Mags J says :

“I dont believe we have one person only for us. Our soulmate. That is for the poet and his/her muse.”

me no says:

“One for all, All for one”

Bless me father, for I have sinned.

Those were Shield’s words, not mine…

I said: “Perhaps if One makes One’s-self ‘easier to love’,
love will become easier to happen,
and it will follow or find us wherever we go

me no says: “One for all, All for one”

Bless me father, for I have sinned.

In the adulterous vein, of sin?

…perhaps Meno_ made himself too easy to love… ; )


I think the chasm of misunderstanding between what I write and what you read is insurmountable. It’s like you criticize the cat’s claw, nose, ears, tail,… but you were actually examining a dog.

A “bubble of belief” refers to the limit of reality that an individual accepts as being real - and because of its limits - it isn’t actually real - similar to saying that “everyone has their own perspective” - or as some say - “my truth isn’t your truth” (which is a bubble of belief in about a bubble of belief).

I’ll leave it at that.

obsrvr524 wrote:



On a steady incline of MJOT… that’s how it should always be…

Is there anyone else happy who visits this board? :-s

Some here seem content, others… somewhat content.

Once the pulley of contentment starts tugging you uphill,
there’s no way to get back down… from a steady incline.

If someone is happy in existence, they are a sociopath.

They are the type of people who distinguish … “I’m having a good day and they’re having a bad day

These people are not living.

They are sleepwalking through life.

For the most part, I am.

Wrong, as I have a good day, I lend my energy towards others having the same.

Does your good day involve feeling great because a child in Uganda is starving to death?

Empaths don’t have good days if anyone is having a bad day.

Only sociopaths say that.

To hold the space of others suffering but not insulting those suffering people, I deflect the question and simply say, “I’m doing my Jason things for what it’s worth.”

Psychopaths will say they’re doing great.

They are psysiologically incapable of holding the space for others- even if they can’t immediately do something about their plight.

No. And it’s not healthy for you to erroneously perceive the worst about every living soul.