love love love

My love is a teddy bear.
My love is a slack pair of trousers.
My love is easy and laid back on chairs.
My love is humorous, cracks, beers, has wide smile.
My love is eager, is unselfish, asks of you…
My love is naive, is vulnerable, is twee…

My love is 1 year old, 20 years old, 40 years old, 80 years old, dead.
My love is the only love - the love of those special human people.
You know who you are…are perhaps you don’t…haha!
The joke is on you.

My love is spiteful bitter twisted.
My love stamps its foot in tantrum.
My love is confused…speaks incomprehensible gibberish.
My love gets into an argument doesn’t win and keeps on arguing.
My love gets me drunk and makes me attack some people.
My love is pissed off and sick and perverted with the world.

My love is always the little boy I am.
Our love is our little innocent selves remaining after all the experience.
Our love is a simple story, laconic, easy going, worth sitting beside.

Our love is cheap, is pliable, is blood rush, is inevitable.
Our love is selfish, is free, is costly, is haphzard, is momentary.
Our love is cheesy, is laughable, is cliche, is half lie half truth.
Our love is moments churning, is memory playing, is here right now.

My love is a big fat cuddly one.
My love is alone behind its keybaord.
My love is weak, is shallow, will not last, will never be known.
My love is our love is our love true love.

Love - you big conspiracy theorist - I hate you!
For I love even when I doubt I love
and even when I am sure my love is not as strong
as my bitterness, as my anger, as my spite,
o love you big thing you!

you are only everyones lips
some time or another
you are all there is of memory

love love love
great tug of war
the world does turn

(love - always the melodramatic poet)

I wrote this wile drunk but there is an energy that runs through it - pathos, dare I say - it is quite melodramatic but there is an immediacy in its voice that i think it quite valid.

by that i mean, the tone validates the claims…