Unconditional love does exist. It can be difficult to find, difficult to achieve, very difficult to maintain.
I think it is easiest to see in parents with young children. There the expression of unconditonal love is more likely.
I don’t think that hate is the opposite of love. Unconditional apathy would be the opposite of unconditional love. The absolute absence of caring for the other.
Hate is more like the next-door neightbor of love. It is easier to go from love to hate, or from hate to love then it is to go from love to apathy or from apathy to love. It can be easier to hate somebody that you used to love then it would be to feel nothing for them at all.
This doesn’t really belong in the Philosophy Forum. My apologies for bringing politics here. We can discuss later Imp. But, for the record, I don’t ‘hate’ Bush. I don’t want his head on a stick. Not yet at least. It’s just conditional frustration.
Love is conditional when love is dependant on conditions.
I will only love you when you do action X.
ie “I will only love you when you are subserviant and submissive to me.”
In conditional love you bevahior can terminate the love from your lover.
Unconditional love is love free of conditions.
I will love you, no matter what.
In uncondition love your behavior will not end the love from your lover.
I don’t see how love could only be uncondtional. We might prefer for love to always be unconditonal, but it can also be conditional.
Unconditional love and uncoditional hate do exist. Unconditional love is, in my humble opinion, not acheiveable by any human being. But it does exist…even if only to stand as a reference point from which we can understand what unconditional hate is.
I really do not understand how the universe is structured and/or “sustains” itself, but I can still at least have the knowledge that it exists, can’t I?
i do not believe any love can beunconditional, as there is always going to be a reason for you to love a person, whether it be for looks, security, money etc. Therefore isn’t the reason you love them a condition of your love…and if they change and no longer posess the reason that you love them will you still love them the same…just a thought
“I love you regardless of …” (Unconditional)
“I love you no matter what” (Unconditional)
So far, I love girls because of my sexual desire and my weakness for loneliness. I know that my love is conditional when I don’t love her anymore. It’s just like death is the only solid proof of my unconditional love for her.
Well, in any human interaction, we all judge others and accept their deeds if they don’t contradict to our world view. Is this bad, just an ego-centric predicament? Well, this depends upon what the given life situation is and how morally mature the person standing as the judge is. We, generally, don’t show unconditional love towards any other person if what he/she does is not CONVENIENT for our being comfortable. I mean to say all of us won’t show unconditional love towards any other person or all of his/her deeds. Does that mean, there’s no unconditional love? Well, I would say, not towards others.
But we all love ourselves unconditionally……… Don’t we have an explanation – acting as a defense mechanism, substantiating anything we do – good, bad or ugly? This seriously limits our personality growth.
We can fight this curse upon all of us humans by giving ourselves to morality.
Also, unconditional love is not necessary always. If I always, accept an individual as he or she is – even his immoral deeds, such love is not worth showing as it’s meaning and significance looses it’s value. Even, the idea of god who loves all unconditionally and equally – be him a hero or an insect, is not to my liking.
For Being A to feel or express love ALWAYS requires at least one condition…
Being A must, on some level, exist. If you draw a bigggggg circle around everything that exists, then, inside of that draw a circle around all the things that love you will see that, yep, to love one must exist.
If you can draw a circle around things that don’t exist… well, you just upset the past 2000+ years of human thought.
Maybe its possible, I dunno.
All the talk of conditions made me think of conditionals, which reminded me of existentials which made me think of my GPA… I am drying my eyes now.
If this is in reference to me, might I ask what other “manner” there is in which I might communicate with others without subject/object… since the communication itself affirms this whole subject/object manner?
And again, if this is in reference to me, I mattered enough for you to reply, I can die a happy man now. Unless, of course, you were replying to someone else… then i will die destitute and alone… with no home and 2.5 children to call my own, since in this part of the world that is really all that matters. But thats my subjective manner speaking.