I hate lads - and in my town there are a lot of them - who simply do not look at girls. In fact, most of the girls in my town need to dress like boys to get noticed. Worse than that, are the lads who, when asked about their girlfriends, say they love them but will not entertain any notion of sex.
Yah yah…chemicals, blah blah blah. Science says a chemical is involved in making us feel good or feel addicted, or both at the same time. This equals love. Uhh…where are the stupid scientists that figure out what these chemical signals means in relation to the rest of the brain? Or the rest of the body?
Then there’s that other claim where love is selfish and makes the person happy given that they are in love. But those who know love understand that one person being happy makes the other happy and vice versa. It’s a bidirectional relation. Now just think if everyone loved everyone else then everyone would be happy, not just half the world. That would not make any sense.
Love is all we need, but unfortunately less of it is out there because people feel like they can reduce it to something lesser as an excuse to not try any harder. Psh…ass to mouth lol.
Anyways, if true love really exists, only a blind person parylized from the neck down can feel it.
(..a chic geek -all thoughts are my own-)
I liked that!
Wouldn’t it stand to reason that everything we did/felt: would be governed by our hormones/chemical reactions within: as this is how our system works biochemically, anyway.
Why the fear: of boiling love down to chemical reactions?