What are the effective differences (and no I don’t want any Nancy Reagen Jugend/DARE answers)?
LSD f*cks you up more?
Though it may seem time consuming, reading the part in brackets is almost always wothwhile.
But, thanks Frighter.
Hell no. Shrooms definitely f*ck you up more. To simplify it, you could say that LSD is more visual, while shrooms distort the mind like you never thought possible.
I’ve tried them both.
I have friends who won’t touch LSD, but will take 'shrooms.
I have friends who won’t touch 'shrooms, but will take LSD.
I think most of the effective differences depend on the brain in which the chemicals are coursing through.
I’ve never had the hypnotic visualizations that I’ve witnessed while on LSD, while I’ve been on mushrooms. Mushrooms definately make me laugh more, though. I find that I enjoy music more while taking LSD than mushrooms. They both give me energy, but LSD more so. Colors are more enhanced while on mushrooms rather than LSD. They both gave me some amazing experiences from the depths of fear, to the heights of love. I wonder if I’ll ever get to enjoy some peyote or some DMT.
Notice: Don’t try this at home! If you do want to experiment, do some research so you know what you’re getting yourself into. Your environmental situation is key in determining the mood of the ‘trip’. It is not my intention to endorse these practices.
P.S. Frighter is leading you in the right direction. Erowid is a great site.