Mad Moustache Debate

Are men with moustaches more mean or manly than men without?

<--------------as you can see on my monkey face, I have a moustache

What is the proper style of the moustache?

The mexican revolutionary?
The Celtic Broom moustache?
The Pencil Gigolo Moustache?
the moustache into sideburns?
a regular moustache?

What say ye’s?


the best kind of mustasche is the one that my parents cannot see…on me, at least.

Heck, if they didn’t remind me, I’d eventually forget to shave. :smiley:

my stache takes the cake, proper style.

Dude, Monooq, try to deny it, but you are as French as inspector Cluseau man. Take it from a fellow franchute blood in exile.

Darn French. Plauge our wine, our war-efforts, our fast-food, and now…our facial-hair??! :laughing:

As far as I’m concerned the only kind of moustache that can always stand on its own is the Sam Eliot job - the old 1880’s classic that smiles when you do while never actually showing your upper lip.

Other than this, they must be judged on a case by case basis, and frankly most of them would be much improved by the addition of a goatee or other beard structure.