How many terabytes per second would it take before a supercomputer would be able to match the human-brain? And with a computer of this high of a class, DNA could be modeled and re-built, amoung other vast things.
The potential complex power of the human brain is vast indeed, but as humans were bred to be slaves, many of their potentials were genetically sanctioned. This is why born psychics are so rare, even though psychic power can potentially exist within anyone.
Within ancient cultures, what were the most advanced and developed technologies? Hm? Magick and astrology were some of them. This is because the nature of psychic technology is gnostic. It is something ineffable, internal. It is the sort of technology which cannot be destroyed or taugh outside of the mind very easily. And the astrologies were, of course, to help them figure out where they actually were in the galaxy.
As the brain controls the morphogenic field of the body, it also controls the health, strength and well-being of the body. The brain is so powerful, and so advanced, that it’s absurd to think that people in general are so stupid and limited. Why can’t the brain, though controlling and regulating all organ function – not also stop its own self-destructive aging processes, aswel as control its own DNA structure? Ofcourse, the human was bread/designed especially not to be able to do this, but instead, was designed to be dependant upon a leader. This is why we see the blind conformist mentalities genetically infused within humanity.
If humans only “evolved”, then shouldn’t there own survival instincts be a little bit more developed? Why so much war, suicide and mental illness, hm? Does any other animal commit suicide and have such a high mental-illness rate? Not really. Also, humans have no natural weapons on their bodies. All other animals do. Does that make any evolutional sense? Not really…
And if Gobbo hasn’t shown you this yet: … 1969524094