This is a strange concept, granted, however I am idly curious as to other’s thoughts on this topic.
We have proven, scientifically, that artifical magnetic fields can alter human thought to varied degrees. It can even force an individual to sense the presence of imaginary individuals, visual and auditory responces that are again not there, etc. These can alter our, and animal, behavioural patterns, thought processes, bio-chemistry and physiological function.
The question is: If these low powered fields can be used to generate certain processes and changes to the human mind, what could the three massive ones, that we interact with every single day, do to us? These three are:
The Sun.
The Moon.
The Earth.
These three bodies have magnetic fields that, on a day to day basis, affect us and by proxy our minds. I am certain that I need not make any correlations to ancient societies, who were atleast aware of what it was they prayed to, however these same ideals resound in men and women to this day. When we look out at the world, perhaps we can also see the almost blatantly obvious three way divide in people.
Postulate: Term ‘worshiper’ used as meaning those whos minds are affected by the varied frequencies of magnetism by these three bodies… Individuals with like ‘Magnetic frequency,’ or thought process, will be grouped thus:
Sun Worshipers: Monotheistic religions inwhich believe in one omnipotent creator that rules for all of eternity, is the most powerful object in all of creation (Strongest magnetic field of the three bodies, it’s magnetic fields dominate the others, and it truly created the Earth and the life there on).
Moon Worshipers: Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. Pacifists generally and calm of mental state. Controlling the mind and consciousness and attempting to ascend higher than the restraints of our own selves. (Smallest magnetic field of the three, a passive magnetic field if one wishes. This magnetic field is wonderfully stable, though is easily shoved aside by the others. The moon is gentle and loving, and again with out this body the Earth would die for mankind.)
Earth Worshipers: Generally Polytheistic religions, creative and emotional. We find here our esoteric and ‘pagan’ belief systems. One with nature or those around them, generally wishing peace and harmony, and having tendencies to ascribe to more than one god. (Pervasive magnetic field in our lives it is neither as strong and dominate as the Sun’s, nor as calm and peaceful as that of the moon. Fairly rowdy at times, still prone to the influences of the other two as the Earth’s magnetic field is shifted back and forth by the Sun and Moon.)
From their outward actions, to their almost habitual dogmatic beliefs, we can easily identify the traits of these celestial bodies in these religions. In fact, the concept of Mono-theism started in our written history with a pharoh named Akhenaten… who incidently set Egypt to pray to the Sun and only the Sun.
Now… in modern society:
The world has a growing mistrust of christians/muslims/jews… unfortunately these three are at almost perpetual war and getting worse over the past couple of years… oddly enough the Sun’s magnetic field has collapsed and gone a bit crazy itself… the Sun’s magnetic field is also currently forcing the Moon and Earth’s magnetic fields around a bit like a bully.
The Earth’s magnetic field is slowly shifting in relation to the Sun’s… here soon it shall also collapse and re-arrange itself. Oddly enough the Mayans believed that civilization as we know it should end, and a whole new era of consciousness would ensue… strange since that is what seems to be happening.