There is no way that I can detect in the following video on UTUBE that it may be faked in any way.
It it is true then it radically alters our consciousness as regard our human relationship with Mother Nature.
The execution of the drawing you are about to see is as thoughtful, spiritual and masterful as anything a Picasso could produce.
It reveals a consciousness that, in essence, is no different from ours.
There are no words I can use to describe the impact it has had on my psyche.
In the space of ten minutes it has altered my entire world view.
Just for starters, from a personal behavioral aspect it has immediately and radically altered my own attitude towards eating the flesh of any animal. I have suddenly and irrevocably become a vegetarian.
I now feel that commercial animal slaughter it is akin to murder, mass genocide in fact.
I would be greatly interested to know if it strikes anybody else the same way.
If you mean someone would feel cannibalistic, I wouldn’t. Spiritually, I feel respect for animals and appreciate their parts in this world. Just because I eat the flesh of certain animals doesn’t mean they have no value in my eyes. Even some animals eat other animals. If sentience played a significant part on how they placed on the food chain, that would be something to ruminate on.
That elephant displayed some interesting development in reference and of form. If it came down to survival and desperation, I would be relunctant to eat elephant flesh to live. Otherwise, I wouldn’t even consider it. If it came down to eating human flesh under the same circumstances, my thoughts would have to side on the side of ‘no’. Call it conditioning, morality or whatever, the thought repulses me.
Is it possible something could dissuade me from eating animal flesh? There is that possibilty, but nothing comes to mind that would keep me from doing so. Besides, I like the taste of a grilled steak, chicken, pork, fish etc.
Could you please quote your source.
Your statement is almost as incredible as the drawing itself
I could whisper guidance all day into your ear, that in itself would not allow you to make a perfect drawing.
The source I would like is the one that debunks the elephant drawing the elephant. All other sources I have found so far seem to confirm that it is legit.
I have just seen what you describe on another source. There is no question that there is direct communication between the trainer and the elephant and that the elephants have been well trained , but that in no way lessens the incredible phenomenon of what is happening. Even if it had ten men hanging off its ears, it is the elephant who is doing the painting. There a dozen of them in fact, and their art is being exhibited and sold world wide. with audiences going to Thailand just to witness it. Most of it is realistic, which is what directly impacts on me. There is at least one on display that is a perfectly uniform geometry of right angled triangles, which in itself is mind-blowing.
Here is a critique from my brother. He has been a professional artist and set designer in Hollywood for the past twenty years.
The amazing thing about the elephant’s art, is that she drew it from an abstract single line starting from the trunk to the hind foot, inclined for perspective of it’s elevation from the ground. Then repeated that incline again for the forefoot on the same side, The flower was incredible. Two daubs of paint, red on the tip and yellow on the body of the brush and she fan painted the flower head floating in space with a ‘hot’ center … the whole image is a romantic ballet … a dancing elephant. Divine inspiration? Perhaps, but one thing for certain, she painted like a pro … no different than Picasso. Express the line … fill in the details.
If any person wants to decide that all of that technique was accomplished by a mahout pulling on an elephant’s ear and that the animal had little to do with it, you are entirely free to do so. What I do know from my art classes is that it is incredibly difficult to get a bunch of artistically inept, analytically indoctrinated intellectuals to accomplish anything that remotely approaches art. That elephant class did just that. And if anybody does not find that reaching into the depths of their psyche then I am indeed sorry for the heartfelt numbness of our specie.
I think there were some studies about the feeling or “emotion” of plants.
I don’t remember the source and I don’t know how serious were they.
But they were saying that plant like tomato senses approaching danger (of someone coming to cut them…) and react electo-chemically.
Once again, i’m not trying to dissapoint, but the picture is drawn by the trainer, through the elephant.
ever notice how it’s usually the same picture of an elephant holding a rose?
The elephants are trained to draw these pictures, they do not spontaneously draw or comprehend these images.
The real artistic focus is on the abstract art. This might not mean elephants are as intelligent as you want them to be but the abstract art is much better anyway.
the apictures of elephants and flowers are started and directed by the trainer, i’m not trying to be a contrarian, it’s the simple truth that the elephants are trained and directed to draw these images
There were many experiments in the 1960’s. They proved that plants grow better with classical music and react negatively to hard rock for instance. I recall one experiment in which they reacted negatively to the presence of a certain guy who came in regularly to kill plants. I once had a paranormal experience in a Zen garden in a monastery in Japan when, for a timeless moment, I became preternaturally aware that all the plants were aware of me.
I was a vegetarian for several years when younger. I am just going back to the same regimen. I would prefer being a fruitarian - but then you must eat the fresh fruit directly from the tree, not days and weeks later from the produce market shelf. Vegetable chi dies quickly.
Ripe fruits want to be eaten and their seeds excreted.
Ultimately I would like to experiment as a breatharian.
Now, you are ready to eat and kill yourself.
So, probably, you can go back eating animals like you, or anything for the matter.
Eating is destructive and killing activity.
Living is killing and dying.
Emotional decision based on partial information/understanding would complicate your living/dying style, just like you’ve shown in this thread.
Aren’t you complicating your life with many other biased emotional decisions?