marketting yourself

I have this idea. I’m thinking about taking a whole bunch of pictures of myself, (similar to my avatar), and putting them on shirts, coffee mugs, mousepads and maybe even a calendar. I’m pretty sure that I could make a living selling these, as everyone I’ve ever met thinks that I’m awesome and would probably love to have a picture of me close by. Especially the shirts, because then they could advertise that they know me. Does anyone think that this is a crazy idea? Is it possible that with things like myspace I might be able to actually sell some shit? Wouldn’t this be the greatest expression of capitalistic individuality that you can think of?
What do you think!?

I wouldn’t buy it.

i would buy a smears shirt and mug with your avatar on them and smears on the other side.

amusing pic.

No, but it’s up there in the top ten. In which case why would you want to do it? Why would you want to epitomise everything that’s wrong with the world?

To bring awareness man! People need more awareness. That’s why they have all those fucking farm aid and aids aid and whatever concerts. People eat that p.c. shit up! It’s like selling shirts with Dick Cheney on them. He is the devil (according to most), but you know people are gonna buy those things like hotcakes!

[size=117]X-Wipes - FACES PRINTED ON TOILET PAPER[/size]

That’s not a bad idea. Market to both my fans and to those poor misguided souls who’ve yet to see the light! BRILLIANT!!!

Great. Is anything you say about politics not layered in four types of irony to protect you from actually committing to a position?

They also eat up cultures which divide them and pitch them against one another so that an elite few can get on with running things the way they want while the minions all stand around blaming one another.

Doesn’t make it a good thing.

I ask again - why would you want to be the epitome of capitalist individualism?

What if I truly believe that all things are indeterminable? (Even this statement) That might make it hard for me to commit to a position. And while this may seem from the outside to be a luxury, it’s really a terrible burden.
Being divided and pitted against one another may not be a good thing for them or even for most of the world, but since I’m the individualist capitalist for the purposes of this thread, it could be good for me given that it sells more shirts with pictures of my beautiful face!

And since you asked it, I’ve actually been trying to think of a reason to want to be the epitome of individualist capitalism and the only thing I could come up with would be to be it for the sake of argument and enlightenment.

Id buy it on toilet paper.

Then you believe in a logical get out clause.

So make your mind up about something and relinquish yourself of the burden. Come on, this isn’t difficult.

And that would be good for you because…?

If that’s honestly the best you can come up with then don’t do it.

I see shirts and mugs like that all the time for sale. Not original enough, Now if you make a hot air balloon with your head in 3D that could be original. :smiley:

Mears is small potatoes, SIATD. Only if he goes corporate will we start worrying.

In fact, I think we should support him in his venture. Most likely, he will lose his ass when none of it sells. The only thing better than a dead capitalist is a capitalist who fails miserably.

Mears, I say go with it. I’ll buy one of the shirts…to use for washing my car.

I love you guys.

I know, but this site has thousands of readers, and some of them are quite intelligent, charismatic people who will, no doubt, be listened to by others in meatspace. So, I’m simply providing a little friction to anyone who too readily leapt to the conclusion upon reading this thread that Scott’s idea was a good one. I’m not worrying.

I’m quite fond of the capitalist who ends up killing himself. That’s one reason to love a market crash - all those capitalists voluntarily taking themselves out of the equation…

If meatspace means myspace then I agree with you that it’s the piss hole of the universe. Search all you want. I’m not on there. But seriously, why not take all those suckers? We could convince them that my idea is a good one, then when they all start to copy it, I’ll start selling wholesale plain shirts for them to print on!!

Because taking money from suckers isn’t anything to be proud of, solves no social problems, fails to evolve humans in any way that will be beneficial long term, indeed, fails on almost EVERY scale of assessing things except the capitalist one.

What if it’s my secret plan to use it to build homeless shelters and create scholarships?

But then there would be less homeless and poor students who would all be purchasing your shirts out of thanks. In turn you would help more of these people, and they would buy more shirts. It goes until you run out of people, or shirts, or you die.

In the end, I am still not buying a shirt. Unless you are actually a woman, and you are really really hot. Then I might by 2!

Fiddling while Rome burns…