Marxist Conquest of the US

The fact is for any honest observer is that there really was massive fraud - by the very people accusing him of lying about their fraud (what would you expect them to do - “Oh that’s right we committed fraud - but we don’t want you to tell anyone.”)

If the same people held that trial in Florida - presenting all of the same “evidence” - the ruling would be the opposite.

And they will do the same thing to Mr Trump in order to silence him before any elections and make sure he can’t enter the contest - the “totally fair and honest elections - between people we like”.

I know man it’s crazy. I heard even Joe Frazier voted for Biden.

And the political prosecutions continue. After about 500 people arrested and some held in solitary confinement for about 6 months now - the first “insurrection” defendant to be convicted — for “parading” – but only after she was willing to read a soviet style self-confessional script stating that she has now read the required anti-American CRT books and has sympathy for those she (being white) has harmed - although she claims that she has never been racists at all.

CRT == Condescending Race Theory.

you just repeat exactly what you hear and you dont verify anything at all i mean its really something

Observ, the purveyor of verbal diarrhea.

giuliani lost his law license

About time too!
The whole world watched him make a complete arse of himself.
It’s a shame that such justice does not work in the UK, else half the bloody government would be out on its ear.

The Marxist totalitarian state of the US gets a little sunlight -
Congressional oversight committee for prisons - disallowed to enter Washington DC federal prison where the globalist political prisoners (from the Jan 6 Capital Coup) have been locked up and reportedly abused for 7 months - denied due process and some held in solitary confinement to prevent them from telling what really happened that day.

The committee congressmen were told that they were “trespassing” then locked out along with one of the prisoner’s attorneys. The O’Biden administration has abandoned the rule of federal laws and the US Congress. He is - as expected - exactly what Mr Trump was being falsely accused of being - a de facto oligarchy - just as O’Biden claimed was to be the 21st century way of life.

The US southern border is being handled in a similar way - congressmen are not allowed to see federal facilities - federal laws concerning border security are being totally ignored - COVID infected illegal immigrants are being transported by the US Army into republican states - housed in hotels without vaccines, masks, or supervision (found eating at local restaurants) - while US citizens are being told to “vaccinate - or else - and wear a mask regardless”. Of course the MSM propaganda cabal is running cover - hiding these and many other events from the suppressed US population and the administration is telling social media to silence dissenters (the hallmark of Marxism).

The US is now a totalitarian regime - and in the open.

Marxism and totalitarianism are not the same thing, and communism is not the same as Marxism, and socialism is not the same as any of it.

You don’t know that there’s a spirit parallel processing the human species that’s trying to send everyone to hell.

You’re uninformed. That’s all. You’re uninformed.

What we see is desperate confused people thrashing out at old fake enemies so they do not have to look at the fall of the USA. Blaming an outside agency absolves them of their own responsibility.
It’s one way Empires fall.

The rightards who thrash out at the left, against their own interests are in denial of the looting that big business is doing to their country.

First you loose you mind, then your hair dye, and then your license.
If he were to be treated as any ordinary American for his crimes, he be in gaol.