Mashiach & Faith - משיח ואמונה
Tehellim 2:7 I will tell of the Chok (decree)… 2:12 Kiss the son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath will soon-be-kindled. Blessed are all those who take refuge in him.
We need to understand that with regard to the question of logic versus faith, we have to realize that in the Hebrew Bible, logic and faith always work together. In the Hebrew Bible we encounter that we need to consider all things in the plain sense, in the practical level. But also we need to consider that Faith (which is a Chok / Statute) is a higher level of relationship with our Creator. We understand what we can, but we also have to know that above all else, there is faith, and that G-d reveals and conceals things from those He chooses. As it is written in Devarim (Deuteronomy) 29:29 The secret things belong to HaShem our G-d; but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this Torah. This is reflected in the meaning of the word in Hebrew for Chok (Statute) Every mitzvah has a purpose that adds meaning to our lives (believing and learning about Mashiach is a Mitzvah “commandment” above all others). The rationale of the Chok, however, is kept from us, demanding our unquestioned commitment, regardless of whether or not we understand it. The Chok is a continuous reminder of the authority of the mitzvah and our obligation to observe it because it comes from the word of G-d. When our ancestors were introduced to the Torah, their response was, “Naaseh venishma.” Naaseh, first and foremost, we will accept and observe the Torah. Then venishma, we will commit ourselves to study and understand it.
As we read more concerning Yeshua Melech HaMashiach (King Messiah), in all the passages of the Bible which deal with the person of Mashiach, we begin to discover who He really is, and what He is not.
R’ Aharon writes that the Gemara in Beitza 16a. explains that the word Chok also means portion. HaShem decides what everyone’s portion will be for the entire year on Yom Terua / Rosh Hashana (the seventh Month of the Hebrew Year). This applies, however, only to His Servants, who accept His Malchut (Kingdom) because they love Him. The rest of the world however receives Mishpat (judgment), they are judged according to their merits (according to their work, which according to the Hebrew Scriptures are as filthy Rags!). We might add that Chok also means a decree without reason. The Kli Yakar explains, that when one sees the Chukim (pl) that do make a certain amount of sense, one’s failure to understand the meaning of a particular Chok is not the fault of their Creator, but simply a lacking of understanding by the perceiver. YESHAYAHU 52:7-53:12
Mashiach the Hope of Israel…