Mass Formation Psychosis and Trump Derangement Syndrome

K: as you are not an American, I don’t see how this involves you…
“Mr. I don’t know who the sitting president is”…


Oh no, the compulsive-liar is lying again!

what if no one is trying to make you feel crazy…but instead, you’re just crazy?

This is you:


This is you:


This is you:


UR reminds me of those 4th grade insults we used to throw around…

“I know what you are but what am I”

" I am rubber, you are glue… Anything you say bounces off of me
and sticks to you"

and another UR sophisticated insult: “You suck donkey balls”

another UR example of sophistication:

Oh yeah? well______ times infinity…
oh yeah, well_______ times infinity plus one…

I can’t believe an adult, well pretend adult, can remind me of the insults
we threw at each other when we were kids…

a sad commentary on the UR maturity or lack therein…


You demonstrate the exact reason-why Trump Derangement Syndrome is so prevalent and destructive to Our American Republic (excluding traitors like you)…

You make up Lies in your own pea-brain, and then refuse to relinquish them, even when they sink and drown you in the deep ocean.

let us see the UR insults at work…

“I know you are but what am I?”

this thread has turned into much more fun than I had realized it would be…
trading childish insults with UR…

at least I know I am engaging in childish insults, does UR? :laughing:


Expecting those with TDS to address reality, was never expected at all.

K: “I know you are, but what am I?”

as long as UR hangs out in the childish side of things, I shall to…
except I have to work at it and he doesn’t…


Anybody notice how these retards only can spam Philosophy forums with bullshit?

They never address anything written, can never quote OP, can never stay on-topic, need to lie-lie-lie-lie repeatedly??

Low-IQ retards, TDS

Here’s what these retards are trying to ban from the internet now:

K: look at his need to dehumanize and devalue anyone who disagrees with him…
that is because he can’t feel true human emotions like love, hope, joy, beauty…
he lacks and thus he lashes out at other for having what he doesn’t have…

has UR ever written anything about the higher values of love, joy, hope,
beauty, charity… he claims to be a Christian, but certainly doesn’t hold those
values…has UR ever written about Christian values like forgiveness and humility?

Take his example and look at your own values, beliefs and words…
see if your words and your actions are different?
if not, then you too are alienated disconnected from yourself,
as UR is alienated and disconnected from who he is…

become human by seeking human values of love, joy, beauty, hope,
peace, charity, forgiveness and humility…

don’t be like UR… become human…


You were never Human in the first place, scum:


You were never Human in the first place, scum:

K: and thus we can see how the Holocaust was informed… by
declaring those who were its victims to be “never human”…
thus we negate and deny other human beings the rights, values,
justice that all human being have…

UR denies that basic tenant of the American democracy…

“That all men/humans are created equal”

which means we are endowed with the rights, values, beliefs
and justice that all human beings deserve by virtue of being human…
for UR, slaves and the Holocaust were simply part of the natural order,
because we can, without reason, declare some to be “not human”…
and thus we can act on or engage with actions like the Holocaust
or we can see how the My Lai massacre was committed…or
the untold slaughter of the Ukrainians by the Russians because
we can call the Ukrainians “Not human” and easily killed…

you cannot commit mass murder or engaged in the Holocaust if you
see people, all people as being human with the rights, privileges,
values of people… regardless or not they are American’s or French
or Danish or even Australian…

calling people “Subhuman” or “not human” is just the first step toward
the Holocaust or the murder of millions… the genocide of people begins with
identifying them as “not human” thus UR would happily engage in the genocide of
those he hates, liberals, democrats, black and brown people, anyone not American,
gays… he would pull the switch on any of those in a gas chamber because by his own
admission, they are “not human”…and so UR supports the Holocaust and genocide
and mass murder by declaring human beings as being “non-human”
by standards he is unable to identify…or know…


This is you:


This is why Kropotkin and Smears are compulsive liars:


Retards like these two (Kropotkin/smears) with TDS are why all-out Nuclear war is not a distant improbability:


These retards are “in charge” of the United States military—everybody should be scared shitless of full blown Nuclear War:


It’s doubtless now that their severe retardation (as Kropotkin demonstrates daily) would not feel responsible for such.

These fucking retards claim it’s “Hypothetical” what would happen imposing a No-fly Zone in Ukraine, when Putin and Russia explicitly stated it would be seen as an act of War from NATO and USA…

you sure are a fanboy of dictators…joining Tucker in his love
and desire for dictators, putin and wannabe dictators like IQ45…
