I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
video.google.co.uk/videoplay?doc … 3887273321
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trap_( … ary_series
The next question is that, given Russell made such predictions (which was the style at the time, like having an onion on your belt) did he do much to prevent this state of affairs from coming about? Or, given that he described how it could come about but did little otherwise to resist it did he actually make it more likely that his description would come about?
It’s ironic that while there’s been an obvious and widely-predicted scientising of politics, there has equally been a strong politicisation of science, which was less widely predicted. Science is almost invariably portrayed as the demon, the state being a sort of unassuming accomplice in this particular historical movement. I’m not sure that this is the right way round. There’s nothing wrong with science per se, though it is an immature epistemology and perhaps this is why it’s passage into becoming entrenched with political (and economic and so on) interests has happened so quickly. Or it’s just the nature of the relationship between power and knowledge. That’s an argument, put simply, between Marxists and Foucaultians.
Well, knowledge is power so science has always been politicized.
The relationship between knowledge and power is not one of equivalence. The control of the movement of knowledge, the control of information, is more directly related to power per se. But knowledge doesn’t equal power.
And yes, I suppose science has always been politicised.
Started watching that vid. This is also worth a look: BBC series in 4 parts about how Sigmund Freud’s ideas about the unconscious mind has been used to control the masses.
Sure sure, same director (Adam Curtis). I’ve only seen the start of The Century of the Self but it’s along similar lines to The Trap.