I had this thought the other day. What if space was the real matter, and matter was really space? How would we be able to tell the difference?
I mean, you can think of space as a pool of water and all the molecules, atoms, and particles that make up what we take to be matter as bubbles in this pool. These bubbles would be pure space inside. What we take to be space would actually be filled with substance (the water in the pool analogy). All the laws that govern the behavior of what we take to be matter can be attributed to the substance that we take to be space. For example, two particles, when they collide, will reflect off each other and will never permeate each other. This could be controlled by the space-substance, somehow maintaining these space-bubbles within itself, determining how they interact with each other. How would we ever be able to tell the difference?
But, are you asking if, maybe, since outer space and the earth both share the same laws that one has to be illusionary and the other the only reality?
How so?
I see outer space as real in matter as earth. Yeah, we’re basically a little speck in the universe but that doesn’t make us any less a mattered substance.
You have discovered an amazing relation between water and space but I think it just goes to show the law they abide by and not one being the law maker.
We are the observers, we aren’t being observed by outer space. Perhaps, if we were floating around in outer space instead of water we would see it from a universal perspective but I think it makes more sense to define ourselves as matter. The bubbles would be the matter and space would be the water.
Some might suggest that the concept of space/matter is not one of being or nothingness, but simply of presence or absence. If you think about it matter could not exist without space. A “thing” (matter) appears with edges and boundaries. Without space around it, the concept of “thing” becomes meaningless, as all matter would simply be. What is thing cannot exist without space.
I agree with both of you. We might say that both matter and space are kinds of “stuff”. I think we’re starting to see something like this with Einstein’s theories, what with spacetime curving and warping and all.
you make a correct point (space is matter and matter is space)
but added a pile of fantasy onto it, space isnt a pool of water planets aernt bubbles, dotn treat them like they are.