death awaits:
Perhaps it is because we refuse to see our own imperfections – we deny them. Arrogance, yes, fear and laziness also perhaps because we just do not want to see things as they really are.
The question would be to ask ourselves why is that? I can see that it is a form of attachment and again, are we viewing things as they are, or for what purpose do we need to have this attachment? is it simply an honest connection and view of someone or to fill a hole we see within our own self. Is it perhaps because we are unable to also see the positive things within us, if that is so. Many people have less trouble with seeing the negative within themselves than they do the positive. This is also ego – if we do not have the humility to view ourselves as we are – the positive and the negative, this is ego.
I agree with you here – at the same time, i suppose those others who are “seeing” us have to be able to see us also from within themselves without ego, with humility. Maybe the most valid thing would be no judgment at all, toward ourselves or others but is that even possible? that would take true caring on our part. how does one possibly point out to another their flaws or their gifts without moving too far in one or the other direction. without judging - only by stating?
Yes I agree with you. when we are able to “take a step back” and take the time to look and pay attention, perhaps trying to be completely objective about what is being shown to us, if we can…in other words, to try to view our self as an onlooker without any emotion. Just to be there without any judgment, and to see what is there. This is not so easy for people though. But it can be done with a lot of practice but then we must start somewhere. This is made easier when we know that those “others” are those who care about us, those we can trust and will always tell us what they see.
I agree with you here too. As I said, the ego must be dropped and there has to be a real honest examining of one’s self. Especially with those we care about, getting upset or angry, though human, can cause others to be hurt, not just ourselves. but i would suppose that for the moment, the most useful way to be would be neutral and then only examine what is being said.
Now let me ask you a question. How do we judge that the people pointing out our blind spots to us are being objective and not just judgmental? How do we know when they have our best interest in mind?
Yes. And on a more positive note here, once we have become aware that this is what we do, how we react, we can learn gradually to take as many steps back or forward as we need to, to take our time, in order to respond in a productive way, after carefully thinking it out. if we do in fact value our becoming and our growth, we will begin to do what is necessary to STOP doing these things. We will respond differently.
Your username, death awaits, is appropriate to this exchange…because one might say that death does indeed await…there are many ways in which to die. Letting go of ego and bad habits that we have been used to is a form of death and dying that must happen. Perhaps death awaits for us to be reborn again. As long as we continue to allow ourselves to be in the moment as we are used to, death cannot come to us so that we may shed that false skin, those facades we live with, those tough membranes that won’t allow us to breakthrough and to break free of ourselves.
“Sir Rising” …Have I been knighted by the queen? didn’t she like the name of arcturus? What do you think, death awaits? Am I responding to your (death’s) beckoning?