It is, really, just the greatest stuff. Some wholemeal seeded bread, cheddar cheese and maybe a piece of German ham. Other hams fade in comparison. Tesco Oat bread is ridiculously soft. But that’s not what this topic is about. Cheddar cheese. Preferably extra mature. I just felt it had to be said.
Prefer it with just a hardy chunk of cheese and a pickled onion
I like the ‘Old English’ cheddar cheese they have at Subway- shits all over the normal stuff they use by default.
Blah! Subway cheddar cheese! :-& Go for the real deal my friend
I adore cheese. And while many other cheeses have their charm (I was on a bit of a blue kick), I’ve gotta say: nothing beats a good aged cheddar. Wisconsin, bitch.
Mmmm…this is making me hungry!
A nice hunk of sharp cheddar and a big hunk of warm fresh apple pie yumm
Speaking of cheese, has anyone had any success getting casu marzu in the States? I understand that it is illegal, but one can find illegal things if they know where to look. I don’t.
There’s illegal cheese? Why’s it illegal? I want some!
Umm, they make a less toxic version of that cheese. It may taste great but, the health risks are the reason its illegal. I am squeemish about having larvae latch onto my stomach. Ulcers are no fun, I have had them. I do admit to a curiosity about the taste, but, not so much that I want to actually eat maggots.
Kris, naw, but a nice hot marriage of melted cheddar cheese mingling with Monterry Jack cheese dominated by peppers and onion and garlic chunks and dominated by two large chicken breasts…and the most delicious mashed potatoes in the world to die for…
And then a big hunk of warm fresh apple pie with an equally big hunk of vanilla ice cream.
Oh well thanks Arc, now I have to wipe the drool off my keyboard,
Its getting to close to suppertime,