For some reason because of the way i dress, music i listen to, and the things i like, certain people say I live in a fantasy world, and that I need to wake and live in reality. This started to make me wonder if I live in a fantasy world why dont i see it, all my goals in life are realistic, finish school, go to college, and get a good job, but yet I still live in a fantasy world to these few people. Does this mean the my life is a lie because i just cant see these fantasies, and it also made me wonder even more about what truth and reality really are, so you tell me what are they.
If you haven’t noticed: the status quo tends to contain a lot of undesireable qualities. Taking everything that comes with them (in terms of an aesthetic worldview) would probably carry with it a lot of baggage, which if you are happy in your fantastic reality you really don’t need. As long as your own worldview doesn’t start to affect how you operate in the common social arena then keep with it, as long as it is fairly reasonable then you should be happy with yourself.
I dunno what truth and reality are, but what I do know is that when people don’t like your opinions, saying they are a ‘fantasy’ or that you should ‘live in the real world’ are among the most popular means of trying to oppose them.
Both are cliches, both are hackneyed, redundant, useless bullshit used by people who cannot argue properly or use language accurately. Ignore them, they provide you with nothing.
Well, be sure of your purpose. Then evaluate your choices in the context of working towards that purpose. If people disagree, ask them why. If they’re right in what they say, reevaluate. If not, they’ve got a brain cell misfiring somewhere, and should have it looked into by a skilled neuroscientist.
true it would become the real world but only if it were the same forevery one.
Also i figured it, why people think i live in a fantasy world, its because im carefree, i dont let small thing effect me or a lot big thingds, i live life to be happy not to be serious, and i wont become what everyone else wants me to be.