Me and Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee said he can beat anybody in 60 seconds.
I can prove in 30 seconds to any canadian that he’s dummy.

You mean, you can prove to ILP in under 30 seconds that you’re a dummy?
In the future, before trying to prove yourself superior in any area of intelligence, make sure you first possess the grammatical abbility to do so.
Otherwise you end up looking quite stupid.

You’ve got nothing on Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee was so badass that…

:sunglasses: :smiley: :evilfun:

It is hilarious how Bruce Lee’s abilities have become the stuff of legend.

He wouldnt last a minute in todays UFC. The man was 135 pounds.

“He wouldnt last a minute in todays UFC. The man was 135 pounds.”

Be quite whatever-your-name-means, you don’t have a clue.

People who diss Bruce Lee probably lack the comprehension required to understand the man’s philosophy and application of technique.

Since the philosophy of kung fu isn’t exactly rocket science, I say people who diss bruce lee are either:

1 on crack
2 a nazi
3 karati or yoga lover
