[size=85]“Internal subjective reality” versus the “external objective reality.”
The Self is both, but the external is projected - subconsciously.
There are a whole range of opposites, the main one “me opposing other”. This is subject to morality and truth, justice and growth. As with the balancing of opposites, each side may be experienced, from the perspective of “other” and from the perspective of “me.” This is the main function of mental illness such as Schizophrenia – a depth experience of the balancing of “me-other”.
Of the sacred form, held within the veil of the displacement of opposites, one realises union with God – a communion of Subjective and Objective. “Thing” based perception becomes “animate”, a form of communion, of the formless form. This shadow we project is an opposite, but is part of the Self. Imagine that God is watching you. Beyond our perception of opposites we can realise “I AM”. This is the name of God, unconditional being. With perspective of the concept of God, the key resolution of “many resolved as one” is the word “OF”.
The spectator “me” has identity and value, yet this tends to be veiled in a form of unconscious opposites (emotive polarity). Considering the word “OF” is how we perceive our relationship with God. This can allow us to see that many different Gods can still be of one God, and that all beings are of God. We stand before the Sun, casting a shadow – this is a function of the displacement figured by the Ego. The Ego is the personal based form within the collective realm of the subconscious. The shadow is “me” projected as “other”. Of our realm of opposites, the absolute is of the third. When we realise that the observer is God viewing through the ego (“me” sense), the practice of meditation makes sense. The difference exposed from “me-other” is in the evolutionary realm, of dissolving the Ego. The Ego protects Self by projecting the shadow side. This is unconscious. This is the realm of the personal and collective, the emerging of the personal into the collective. The defences and differences perceived by the Ego relate to the rejection of the shadow nature. This morality (good-bad) learned through life will cause the Ego to reject some aspects of Self and project onto “other”.
With the sense of Ego, the polarity of “I want” and “I reject”, and the polarity of “bad” and “good” are experienced. Central of this cross of opposites is the realisation of our God nature – “I AM”, - unconditional being.[/size]