I think the main problem with this question is defining ‘meaning’.
Defined by the dictionary as “to intend for a particular purpose”.
When we say, is there meaning to life, we’re really asking
“Is there a purpose to life?” or “Why are we living this life?”
I’m aware that there are several linguistic variants of the above, I’m just trying to get a general idea to move forward on.
Now, lets take god out of the picture for a moment and talk about what humans do. We are living, breathing mammals. We eat, we sleep, we reproduce, we build cities and our cities crumble. We affect the ecosystem and the environment around us in both positive and negative ways. As a species, we play our role at the top of the food chain in the elimination of other creatures, we play our role in the ecology of the planet with deforestation and consumption of minerals that would otherwise remain in the earth without humanity’s presence. We change everything, just by being here. Within our own species, we interact, reproduce ourselves, we create art, science, and mathematics, we study and we teach, but much of this does not go outside our own sphere of influence, namely the human race.
Given the above, could we say that humanity’s “purpose” is to play a role in changes to the planet, environment, etc? You could assume so since that is what we are doing. Of course, the entire idea of “purpose” indicates that there is a “plan” …some sort of guiding hand that has cast us in this role in the grand scheme to bring about whatever end result that they have orchestrated. Implying then, a god.
But what if there wasn’t? Assuming the non-existence of god, what then is our purpose (I’m speaking humanity as a whole - on an individual basis the problem becomes increasingly more complex). Did we perhaps evolve here because “nature” needed someone to cause these changes on the planet and we are the catalyst? Isn’t that the same thing as “god” just calling it something else?
The deeper I look, the more times the same wall hits me. For us to have a purpose, a reason for being here, the very idea of this implies that we’re part of some great Work or plan in which we must play our part. And if there is a great work or great plan, there must be a maker.
So arguing w/ negation, I say that there is no maker (for the purpose of this argument, is life meaningless w/o god). With no maker, therefore no meaning.
Lets look at the world again with this precedent.
There is no grand purpose, and we are not playing a role in it. Everything we do we do because we are exertig our will to do so. This means that essentially, there is no grand meaning to life that we are achieving, we’re just doing our day to day grind.
And there’s nothing wrong with that.
Of course, when you look at it on an individual level, the term ‘meaning’ gets fuzzy. I find meaning contemplating a flower petal dropping to the floor in my apartment, for example. So there is meaning IN my life. I may teach a child to read who later becomes a powerful world leader. There was meaning TO my life, in that I accomplished something that had lasting effects - ie, a specific purpose. But in the grand scheme of things, no, I do not think humanity’s presence has a greater purpose.