Memorial Day?

I know it’s a little early to start planning for Memorial Day (MD), but I want to do something special this year on the forum in honor of people like Mr. Tillman, and the man that recently was excuted over in Iraq, etc.

These people are true heros, yet they are not remembered by much of society.

I’m thinking:

  1. I’ll change my avatar to a U.S. flag on M-Day.


  1. I could start a thread in which people come and post names of those who have died in the war.


  1. I could do something totaly different altogether.

Any ideas?

And perhaps, this could be a forum-wide thing—not just something that I’ll do on my own.

Maybe i’ll imitate Ghandi and go on a hunger strike until everyone in the World stops killing each other…

So, do you like my idea? :confused: :wink:

Oh, come on, Marshall.

Eat a cookie…

Who’s gonna know?

come on guys, get serious. Who likes my idea? Who doesn’t ? :confused: :wink: